Sunday, October 25, 2015

It has been a while. What a ride.

After a long agony, I decided it was time for me to give up my blog.  I admit, was in a 'state'.  I hate when that happens.  Frankie in not so loving a way informed me I was not being nice to my readers and suggested I stop writing.  She was right, so I did.

And, so began probably the worst summer of my life.  It had been three years since I put my home of 40 years on the market, but I decided this time IT WAS THE TIME to try to sell my home once more.

Talk about a nightmare.  My first realtor fired me.  I was devastated.  I was angry.  I was not a nice person to be around.  I went into depression for the first time in my life.  I wallowed for a couple of weeks pondering my future.

I was rapidly running out of funds to continue living in and trying to maintain my home, and contemplated (if I could sell) moving into one of those retirement communities where you begin with independent living, and end up with respite care.  That would sure make it easy on my family.  I researched local communities for months only to find they would be way beyond my means even if I sold my place for half a million dollars....whew....they really are for the rich!!!

After wallowing, Frankie in her usual, FRANK demeanor whopped me upside the head and demanded I take charge and 'put the damn house on the market'.  During the time I wallowed, a Realtor had phoned twice offering to help me sell, but I ignored both calls.  However, one morning I got up the courage and called her.

I told her my tale of woe with other Realtors and she said she could stop by, but if I told her if she didn't feel like she could sell the house the way I wanted, I would simply not waste her or my time.

She stopped by and we had a lovely chat.  She told me "Honey, I'll sell your home anyway you want."

Finally, I had buyers, a young couple.  They were willing to buy the place 'as is'.  Now, please understand, the way was not paved in gold, it was full of potholes that held water, mud and lots of muck. Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork.  Changes in lenders, changes in the closing date, amendments for the very tiniest thing each requiring my signature.  My wonderful Realtor (bless her) stood by me even during one particular phone call where I had a very ugly meltdown. She was a saint!

Then, on August 31st, the movers arrived.  My sister (who came to help me keep my sanity) and I followed the movers through the house vacuuming and dusting until I was told I needed to go to the storage facility so I could be there in advance to direct them to my unit.

Even moving day did not go well.  My sister's car wouldn't start.  I temporarily lost my credit card.  I had Frankie, my cat, dog, sister, her daughter and I to move into a residence motel for nine days until my apartment was ready.  I was exhausted.

Okay...I'm starting to giggle. I guess in retrospect it was not all that bad.  Well, yes it was horrible.  Still I can't help today to see the humor in all that nonsense.  I'm glad I've come from sturdy stock otherwise I would not be where I am today.

Yes, today I am snug as a bug in a rug in a beautiful new apartment in an over age 55 complex that overlooks a golf course.  My patio view is spectacular. straight down a fairway.  Every day is a new adventure.  Zorro has learned to walk on a leash, CC has birds and grey squirrels to 'chicker' at; while geese, mallard ducks and a lone seagull meander up and down the course.  And finally, Frankie has had no reason to 'chicker' at me anymore.

Life is good once again is INDEED good.

P.S.  I know 'chicker' is not a word...I just made it up.  You can use it anytime you want.

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