Friday, November 6, 2015

Where does the time go?

Seriously, somebody please tell me, where does the time go?

I've been meaning to write but somehow 'stuff' keeps getting in the way.  First, I spent one day boxing up what I call my October (fall) decorations and dragged them to the garage.  Then (same day) I drug in the boxes containing all my Thanksgiving decorations setting them up all around the apartment.  This 'exchange' job takes longer now because my garage is not attached to my apartment which requires me to trek back and forth, back and forth from here to there, there to here. I purposely didn't exercise that day because I knew I'd be getting plenty not only with the walking but the schlepping of boxes as well.  Whew!

Then there was the day I did laundry.  Now, don't get me wrong, I do like my new washer and dryer and the fact they tinkle a little tune when each load has been completed.  I even like the little tune when I open the lid to extract the clothes within.  However (picture me clearing my throat) I do NOT like the length of time it now takes to complete this particular weekly chore.  You see, these appliances think for themselves and while the cycles are 'doing their thing' they will occasionally re-adjust the time. When the load starts the machine clock might say it 'thinks' the load might take an hour, so I walk away to spend the time doing something else. When I walk past the machine I glance at its clock to find that before my very eyes a few minutes have been added to the cycle.  At first this annoyed me I thought something might be wrong with the machine so I dragged out the instruction manual. It informed me this is to be expected and not to worry.

Now we'll talk about the dryer.  After a couple of weeks I discovered a load does not completely dry especially the towels and the waistbands of my sweat pants.  Again I dragged out the instruction book and found I can push a spot on the electronic panel (there are no buttons anymore) to add minutes to the cycle in order to completely dry the clothes.  It seems (so far) the drying process per load takes an hour or more....geeze.

I was not going to buy the extended maintenance policy for five years, but thought better of it. Considering how 'high tech' these machines are I figured if I got the policy they would hummm along for at least that long without causing me much trouble, after which, considering how things are made these days they will probably 'give up the ghost' anyway.

So, the above took up two of the days since I last I wrote.  Then there was the day my granddaughter came to visit which was fun filled and full of action.   Plus there were the days I tried to work from 8 till noon making cards for friends and making new merchandise designs for my store.  In between I'm squeezing in exercising, walking the dog, trying to read, studying, planting bulbs for spring blooms, and sweeping oak leaves off my patios.  Again...WHEW!

No wonder I don't have time to write...I'm's only 9:50 in the morning but I think I need a nap.

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