Friday, October 10, 2014

I don't know about you,

but I'm sick, sick, sick of all the political advertisements on television these days.  The candidates are slinging mud, each accusing the other about things they have done in the past and promising great things for the future, even though they all know they have no intention of following through with their grandiose plans.

Then there are of course all the 'measures' that are going to be on the ballets.  Legalizing marijuana, so the police can deal with more difficult cases.  Murders, robberies, rapes, etc. Like having people becoming an addict on one drug and moving forward to more dangerous ones is okay.  I don't get it.

Remember the fall of the Roman Empire, the one that decayed from the downfall of moral decay. When governments become lax in morality and overlook that we should be doing 'what is right', over what we make 'acceptable' because 'heaven forbid' we would step on someones toes and in some way offend them and infringe on their 'rights' and make special rules just for them is (in my opinion) wrong, wrong, wrong. Even worse we seem to be overlooking the rules thereby making it so the existing rules somehow do not apply to them. What has become to the courage we used to have to actually enforce the laws as they stand today? Aren't they meant to protect all constituents?  And, what happened to the candidates that take an oath to uphold those laws yet when they get elected to office tend to overlook them or pretend they do not apply?  In my humble opinion, we are rotting from the basement up, and when the foundation crumbled, the nation fall.

And to quote one of my favorites, as Mrs.Thurston Howell the Third so aptly exclaimed.  "We're doomed I tell you, doomed."  She's absolutely right.

Political advertisements have been airing since the beginning of August, they are repetitious, annoying, and groan on and on every ten minutes on every channel, on every show.  Blah, blah, blah, blah. Politicians swear they are for jobs, they are for the middle class, they are for doing something about illegal aliens, they are for doing something about medical care in America, they are for more taxes for the rich, and less for the poor.  All the while degrading their opponent because they apparently do not understand the issues, and thereby are not qualified for the job. Or, they dig up 'the dirt' and play up 'secrets' about their opponents personal lives, because they had done this or that terrible...and mostly stupid thing in their young past that make them especially unqualified to hold the job.  Blah, blah, blah, blah.

And, as for the issues, they vary from state to state.  At the moment legalizing marijuana is an issue here, I've no doubt that will pass.  Another issue is genetically altered food, this has pitched farmer against farmer.  Some think the public has the right to know what is in the food they are eating and want truth in labeling.  Some think, passing this law will confuse people even more, and make labeling food a very expensive endeavor, and eventually increase the price of the foods we purchase.

All I can say is I've lived to become an old person, chomping summer berries grown at the sides of the roads while gasoline exhausts covered them with lead which at that time was part of gasoline's chemical make up.  I've eaten dirt, off vegetables picked from my dad's garden, rubbing most of it off on my shirt, yet the dirt that still clung to the carrot did not stunt my grown or cause things to grow and devour me from the inside out.  I seriously doubt the genetically altered food is going to kill me either.  Scientists, Doctors and their tests are conducted to frighten the poop right out of us.  But when you consider the amounts of 'stuff' they shoot into the poor scientific specimens, (rats, mice, rabbits, monkeys,) you have to realize it's enough to kill a horse and probably make even an elephant quite ill.

Anyway, at this point in time I'm so disgusted and sick of all the commercials, I grab my remote control device and hit the mute button.  Don't these folks realize we are sick, sick, sick of all this repetition?  They are most certainly not making points with me, and I can't believe I'm alone in how I feel about all this rhetoric.  I'm reaching the point I'm not going to vote for any candidates, I might write in a few of my own...Maybe more of us should do that.  Oh, there will be winning candidates who's names are on the ballet, but perhaps if more of us wrote peoples names in, maybe at least the 'runners-up' just might take notice we voters are becoming disgruntled.  It's time for a change.

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