Sunday, April 24, 2016

Where the heck...

...did last week go?

I've come to the conclusion I am probably the best time waster in the whole wide world.  Seriously, I looked around the place this morning and can't remember a single thing I did; nor find one thing of significance accomplished. Seriously.  That made me terribly embarrassed.

I confess I have made the excuse that the weather (some days) was too lovely to be indoors and that soaking up natural vitamin D was important, that should not excuse I wasted a lot of time sitting on my 'keester' nose buried in a book doing nothing. Instead I should have been working in my Zazzle Store, I should have been making 'thinking of you' cards to send to my friends, I should have been cooking nourishing meals for my quirky family, I should have changed my bed linens.  Did I do any of those things?  Those things would have been memorable.

It was not until this morning I realized just how un-memorable the week had been until I finally got around to checking what was new on Facebook and in my e-mail.  I was shocked to find I had ignored both badly, all week.  Even worse, when I checked my blog I could not believe my last entry was dated April 19th. I was shocked.  How can that be?  It was at point I tried to figure out where the week went, and what the heck I had done...I mean the actual "look, see what I did" kind of things.

Monday...that day is so far in the past and so foggy it might as well not have happened.
Tuesday...well, it least it was not as foggy. least I can remember parts of it.  Two of my grand-kids spent the day here: they did some garden shopping and garden tending most of the day.  I bought some soil and we filled in an ankle twisting sidewalk hazard.  My grandson also bought 8 good sized planters and filled them with better grade soil so I can seed-plant veggies for the summer.  He also bought some starts of tomato and zucchini squash plants, too.  (I know I know, I should have only bought one of the zucchini's, but what if the one I bought died...I would have none.) (As it is, it appears all three are going to survive so come August I am going to be desperate to give squash away.  Get ready I will be leaving them on your doorstep.)  I then ordered pizza for lunch and sent the kiddos back to the store to buy some ornamental shrubs while we waited for the lunch delivery.  The ornamental shrubs are going to be lovely.  I ordered six white plastic urns for them to sit in.

Thursday...I decided no one was coming back to pressure wash around my unit so put all my patio things back where they belonged.  That took quite a while because I kind of pressure washed it myself using the 'jet' setting on my hose nozzle.  I also un-buried an exposed cable my grandson had temporarily buried under some bark dust so I would not trip over it and fall.  It seems as though FINALLY somebody is going to professionally take care of this hazard.  I am confident to say this because I saw guys in yellow vests using spray paint to point out where utilities are buried, and where the new cable is supposed to go. However, when the physical work will be done is still rather vague. Oh, and I ordered lots and lots of vegetable and flower seeds for the planters my grandson bought and some rhubarb and horseradish starts, too.

Friday...I woke to find my ornamental shrubs lying on their sides; the wind had blown them over.  I also discovered the rain had washed away some of the soil from my hazardous sidewalk corner. I was able to salvage most of soil, sweeping it back into the corner.  Then I spent most of the day resetting my shrubs upright as the wind kept knocking them over...and also stomping the new soil more tightly into the sidewalk corner. Originally I was going to buy a 24"x 24" concrete block for in the corner then changed my mind; I'm thinking perhaps the concrete block might have been a better fix...indeed, which is still an option.

Saturday...I actually DO REMEMBER yesterday.  The day started by going to my granddaughter's volley-ball game.  As when she was playing soccer, this was the first volley-ball game I had ever attended. Hmmm, is it actually a game, or is it a match?  Anyway, I found it interesting, fun and fast moving.  I'm kind of glad she finally made up her mind to play.  I can see this is a sport, if you are really interested in learning and becoming good at, you definitely should learn young.  I could see their main shortcoming was trying not to be afraid of the ball as it hurled in their direction.  It took me back to high school and the few times I played the game, I was terrified when that ball zoomed toward me.  I could also tell some of these 4/5th graders had the skill to be really good at volley-ball, and by the time they hit high school they will be good enough to play on their school's team.

After the game, the same quartet as last time headed north and to Ikea...yes...I did say Ikea.  We had to make a few returns and a few new purchases.  My granddaughter and I went one way, my daughter and grandson another...did we ever meet up again...NO.  We looked for them, they looked for us.  I hate to say it but after the third loop around all the departments I was pooped and this time it was me looking for a place to sit. Unfortunately, the place is built like a bomb shelter and we had no phone service so could not reach each other.  My granddaughter checked her facility map and discovered there should be phones by the entrance/exit and we headed there. There were no land-line phones (of course), but at least I finally got reception...unfortunately my daughter didn't. After the fourth try I finally got through. Now the only one missing was my granddaughter who went looking for her mom one more time. Remembering the rule of thumb, "If you are lost stay where you are.", I did exactly that so at least those that were LOST knew how to FIND me.

As I was returning our cart the cart corral, a young woman was just started toward the store, she asked me if it was a madhouse in there.  I told her yes, I could tell by her face she didn't really want to go in, but she told me she had promised her two daughters and young child already nestled in a stroller an outing, so she had no choice to proceed. I wished her luck!!!

Gluttons for punishment that we are we headed to the mall.  That's right I said 'MALL'.  It too was a madhouse.  Again, I hate to say this, by now I was even more pooped.  Well, actually what I said was, "Smart is the woman who stops shopping just before she drops."  We had a good laugh over that.  We finally headed home. It was a great afternoon.

There you have it my week in a nut shell.  I've come to the conclusion it isn't so much the fact I didn't do anything the first part of the week...I simply can't recall whatever the heck those things were. I guess I can chalk that up to old age.  If...I say 'if'...I write more frequently perhaps I will not be subject to old age block.  I can only hope, I can only hope.

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