Friday, April 8, 2016

I wish I could say I'm sorry...

...but I can't.

Nope, no apology.

But don't feel too badly.  You are not the only thing I've neglected this week.  I've neglected just about everything.  After month and months of blah, icky weather this week has been absolutely fabulous and I refuse to spend time indoors.  I've been OUTSIDE as much as I possibly can. Zorro and I have been walking hither and yon allowing me to pluck seedlings of all varieties (I was sure this habit would not follow me from my old place of residence) dragging them home and putting them in pots with the hope they will take root becoming part of the family.

Sometimes I just sit on my patio and enjoy my view, sooner or later some golfers set off or a neighbor saunters by for a 'Hey, how are ya?' Plus this week the sparrows are trying to decide which nest they want to use this year. They keep trying to get into my box, but the opening has been too small for them. Yesterday I decided to make the opening bigger, I tried using a steak knife to saw the opening bigger but that didn't work.  So, I opened my tool box and withdrew a flat head screwdriver and my hammer and set to work chiseling the hole.  As I worked a neighbor rounded the corner of the building, she told me her dog was wondering what the noise was all about and came to inspect.  I thought it was pretty clever she blamed the curiosity on the dog.

Also, I'm continuing to read my book, remember the philosophical one? I somewhat agree with some of the stuff she says however; some of her thoughts are...are...shoot, I can't even think of a word that would accurately apply.  It is interesting to see her mind at work.

Although I usually have my weekly libation on Friday evening I have to confess with the sun waning but its heat still as comfortable as a blanket I have been having a libation more frequently.  Especially fruit flavored brandy over ice, these drinks are not only delicious but very, v-e-r-y relaxing as well.  A perfect way to end a perfect day.

Yes, my days have been filled with the best do-nothingness ever.

Oh, there have been a few exceptions of something-ness-es like this morning as we walked along the path to the upper parking lot. There, half way up the hill I found a knife buried in the ground all the way up to the shaft.  I contemplated removing it when the angel on my shoulder whispered..."Leave it where it is."  She realizes I watch w-a-a-a-y too many true story crime shows pointing out that I don't want my finger prints on it, that the blade might be covered in blood and turning it in to the office could definitely include me in a crime...if indeed one had occurred.  I walked on, and walked back using the other side of the street. Humm, deee, dummm.  I know nothing, I see nothing.  But, I bet if I thought about it I could write a story; although angel is telling me, "No, no you can't."

And, so has gone this glorious week.  It's hard to say what kind of a summer we will eventually have. Maybe I will be fortunate enough to have months and months of this kind of glory.  However, I've lived here long enough to know some years we barely have summer at all.  I'll take each day as it comes along savoring each second.  As I say I wish I could say I'm sorry for neglecting you this week, but I can't...I absolutely, positively can't.

What is so rare as a day in June, 'er April
Then, if ever, come perfect days.

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