Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Up-down, one-two

A friend and I were discussing our exercise programs, and kind of comparing notes. She goes to an actual gym and participates in several different programs.  I like talking about exercise, it keeps my incentive up.  She told me one of her programs had some exercises from ballet and I was quite intrigued.

We used the side of a car as a ballet 'bar' as she showed me some of  the moves. I notice one was similar to what I do, except, where I stand flat footed, feet together, her program has her heels together, toes pointed outward, and she has to lift her heels off the floor.  Wow...I tried that then and there, I could feel myself using different leg muscles in order to do this.  Holy mackerel.

I told her I'm still having trouble with balance, and showed her the exercises I do to improve mine. She said she did one similar, but instead of putting her arms down to her sides, she was instructed to place her hands together in front of her chest.  I think she called it something like 'heart position'. I've decided I'm going to do that.

Then, still talking about balance she mentioned her instructor said one of the most important things we should do is never give up on being able to stand up with out the aid of clinging to something for support.  I get that!  I always prided myself I was able to get up, even off the floor, without having to push or pull myself up.  However, over the years I've discovered I can no longer do that.  I've been very embarrassed about having to crawl across the floor on hand and knees to a sofa or chair. It's even more embarrassing when I'm working outside on my hands and knees and have to scour the neighborhood making sure no one is watching as I get myself upright once more. As a result I decided come heck or high water I am going to get myself back into shape to be able to do stand up again...by myself...on my own.

I started yesterday.

Baaaaaaaa, haaaaaaaaa, haaaaaaaaa, haaaaaaaaaaa, Whew, that felt good.

Wish you could have been here, I had myself in such a fit of giggles.

I started by skooching myself to the edge of the sofa, feet firmly planted on the floor. I attempted to stand. I could not get my flabby butt off the cushion.  (Snicker.)  I tried again, this time I managed to get my butt off the sofa, but my arms flailed about like a fish freshly landing on a beach for the very first and probably last time. (Snicker, snicker.)  Plop, down I went onto the sofa.

I think maybe if I grunt while trying to pull myself into a standing position it might help. I do so, as quietly as possible.  Did you know you can't grunt in silence 'cause it makes you...well, you know...fart.  (Now I'm far beyond snickering.)

I try one more time, by now my legs feel like rubber.  I've awakened Zorro...CC has fled in fright, I think because of my flailing arms and Frankie is doubled over in a fit of laughter.  It's hard to try to better yourself when those you love get such a kick out of it.

I finally give up, for the moment.

However, now I'm bound and determined I'm going to conquer being able to get myself into a standing position...on my own...without the aid of anything but my own muscle power.  I don't care how long it takes!  I am going to become the little train that could!

At least I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.

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