Sunday, July 7, 2013

Thank you

I had been journalizing for years, and have dozens of them tucked in boxes here and there around the house.  I discovered one journal not long ago and found out it was very, very boring.  What kind of weather we had on a particular day.  If it was laundry day, clean house day, who called me on the phone day.  It was awful.  I gave up journalizing.  Nobody was ever going to give a 'crap' about such mundane things.  What was the point.

Then, I don't remember how I learned or who told me, but by a miracle, I heard about blogging. I was intrigued and when I found I could start a blog through facebook I thought 'how hard can that be'; and Ramblings of an Old Woman was spawned from my published booklet of the same name, that features a collection childhood memories and favorite things.   Starting in March 2012, with a handful of readers (seriously, I could count them on one hand) I have been blogging ever since. 

It didn't really matter that I didn't have many readers, what did was the fact I was no longer a 'closeted writer'.  The Internet was limitless, and I had no idea if someone by accident would discover my simple writings or not.  Just the possibility someone could filled me with such glee, it was a joy to sit before my blank blog page, and let the letters and words tumble onto it.

Over time my readership grew, there were a dozen or more folks who seemed to be checking up on me on a daily basis.  By December 1012 I discovered I had occasional readers from around the world.  Germany, Ukraine, Japan, China, Canada, Australia, South Africa, England, Russia and more.  I was ecstatic.  Thrilled.  Delighted beyond words.

Seriously, for a writer to be beyond words is so far 'over the top'....I...I...I...
just want to thank you.

Thank you everybody for hanging out with me, for coming to know me and my little family, for appreciating my efforts and allowing me to share my thoughts, memories, idiosyncrasies, silliness and sometimes even craziness.

Thank you for being loyal and faithful.

But most of all thank you for your kind words, you will never, ever know how much they are appreciates, and how much they encourage me to continue the Ramblings of this Old Woman.

My love goes out to all of you, wherever in the world you might be.

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