Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Itsy, bitsy spider

I don't mean to alarm anybody, but spiders are back. 

I don't want to exaggerate this, but one the size of a hippopotamus has taken up residence just outside one of my bay windows.  I've no idea where it goes during the day, but come evening...there it is...slightly above my eye level hovering, hovering, hovering           


When I close the window, the web shudders, but the spider remains stalwart, in stealth mode.  I don't think this thing has an ounce of fear. 

It hangs so I get to see the back side of it, which surprises me because usually I get a look at their bellies, not the ornate, delicate, intriguing patterns of their backs.  I would like to take a picture of it, but my camera is not all 'jazzy' (which is okay, I don't really need jazzy) and I think all I will get is the bright reflection of the flash going off in the window glass. 

What puzzles me is this, where does this African elephant go during the day?  Does it spend its time trying to figure out a way to get into my home?  Is it, some night, going to invade my bedroom and crawl into my ear and eat my brain?  Oh, the horror, oh, the humanity! 

I've yet to see some hapless insect become ensnared in its web, shouldn't I be seeing flies, moths and other creatures trapped there?  Then again, maybe that accounts for the size of this thing, it simply devours e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, in one gulp, leaving no trace of a body at all.   

Oh, dear...I better start to pay better attention to where CC and Zorro are, they might be its next meal.  By the way, I've not seen Frankie yet this morning...I must go check on her as soon as I'm done writing. 

Funny!  I've no desire to cause harm to this creature, it really is quite beautiful.  So even though it has grown to the size of a blue whale, and as long as I can keep track of my loved ones it's all good; I'm sure we can live in harmony.

Did I mention?  Spiders are back.

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