Thursday, December 4, 2014

100 days of happy.

Okay, so I guess I've pretty much been an Ostrich with my head buried in the sand.

Yes, I have a boring days are pretty much the same.  Then, once in a while I break the routine, and something unusual begins my day.

Today I refused to get up at 5 AM, the way my doggy wanted me to, and spent the next two hours dozing in and out of sleep.  When I finally did get up, I turned on the heat and the living room TV. It was of course on the same channel that it was when I retired last night.

I thought I recognized the voice of the woman talking, but went about feeding my creatures before returning to the living room.  The voice belonged to Queen Latifah.  I was surprised, apparently she has a talk show...who knew?  I certainly didn't.  What the heck.  I had to exercise I might as well watch her show as I do.

She was talking about something called 100 Days of Happy.  Apparently the idea of this is that for 100 days you are supposed to think of one thing every day for 100 days that make you happy, and if you actually accomplish this, it will change your way of thinking about life.  Today she was starting her 100 days, and showed a picture of what made her happy, it was a picture of her taking a nap in her office, head on her desk.  So I surmised her happy for today is sleep/nap.

Well, this project seemed simple enough, and what could it hurt, surely I can come up with 100 things that make me happy.  Starting with Queen Latifah's simple 'happy', I'm going to start simple, too.





I didn't realize how hard it is to come up with a first happy.  How in the world can I do this for 100 days?

I think I'm over thinking this.

I know!   I know!

My today's happy is Bobby.  I saw him yesterday on my vanity when he walked across it as I was applying my make-up.

Yep, today's happy is Bobby.

99 Happy's to go.

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