I am not happy with myself this morning. I broke my routine...this is the second time. Yesterday morning I broke my routine, too.
I hate to admit it but my days are for the most part the same...day....after day...after day. Seldom does something exciting alter my day's activities. Oh, I might make a mad dash to my mailbox, in the dark, in my nightie, and then there was the afternoon one of my neighbor's chickens somehow got into my back yard and I had to chase it down, but for the most part every day is the same.
Then yesterday morning I broke my regular activities. Normally I make my bed 'first thing', but since I've not been well lately, and my washing of linens schedule was behind I thought "what the heck", and I stripped the bed and dashed to the garage to run them through the longest, hottest, cycle my washer could offer.
Then, I decided to air out all the blankets, too. Before I knew it the morning was shot, and I had not done one lick of exercise, much less the rest of the laundry.
Never did exercise. Never finished the laundry either, after all I surmised, I can always 'do it tomorrow'.
So this morning, I arose and after making my freshly laundered bed I decided to finish the laundry left undone from yesterday's chores. It will only take a moment to separate the clothing into piles and then I will do my exercises, and thereafter start the laundry.
Well, I kind of made a side trip, to open the garage door to allow 'in house' heat to seep out there before starting that chore. Then, I was d-y-i-n-g for a cup of coffee, and decided while my microwave heated that sucker up, I would turn on my computer. I did, (I should have walked away), did I noooooooooo.
I just had to check facebook, and my e-mail, and my store, and of course my favorite websites, and my I-Ching......
....and then my coffee cooled because I forgot it was still sitting in my microwave, and I had to reheat that.
So, here I am many, many moments later, still at my computer.
Have I exercised? Of course not.
Have I started my laundry? Ya' think?
Am I even dressed? Nope.
There you have it, the reasons I am not happy with myself this morning. My day is shot to heck, and it's only 9:33 AM. I'm thinking about 'phoning in' the rest of the day and going back to bed...where there are lovely smelling fresh sheets and pillow cases, and air blown refreshed blankets. Perhaps I'll start a new novel, or grab some VHS movies, bought long, long ago, and spend the day relaxing, drinking coffee and munching leftover Christmas cookies.
No...I'm going to start my laundry...and maybe, just maybe I'll start my exercise program, too.
Maybe, just maybe.
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