Thursday, February 19, 2015

Something weird...

has happened.

I've been exercising for about five and a half months now, it's been hard because basically...well...I'm a lazy person.  Physical activity is not something I take to easily. I kicked, I screamed, I tried to bribe my doctor.  Eventually we made a deal.  If I was still exercising after six months, she had to buy something from my store (of course I'm not going to hold her to that...and I'm sure she does not even remember the deal), anyhoo, here I am into my exercise program to the extent that if  I have a day I don't exercise I feel guilty.  Is that nuts or what?

Anyway, I'm at the point that I've added ankle and hand weights to my program every day.  I can't believe I'm admitting this...I like it, I can feel my muscles coming back to life.  I hadn't realized just how much they have until a couple of nights ago when I happened (for what ever reason) to glance at my left forearm.  I saw this thing...this funny looking thing stretching from my wrist all the way up to the inner side of my elbow.  What the heck?

I pushed on it, it gave a little under the pressure of my fingers, but stayed in place, what was this?  I pulled up my sleeve and checked out my upper arm as I curled it up I discovered there was a bump there too.  Holy crap!

A jumble of emotions flowed through me.  I was getting muscle tone!

Here's the thing.  I didn't realize it was gone.  Boy...was it gone.  When did it go? Why hadn't I noticed it was gone?  How come I apparently didn't care that it was?
I felt a little sick to my stomach. I also felt ashamed, because as I inspected these odd looking new shapes, they seemed not to fit my body anymore, especially since old age flab still hung loosely along the bottom side of my arm.  I felt embarrassed as well that I had allowed my body to become in such deplorable condition...shame on me.

On the other hand, I felt surprise, delight and pride, in only five short months I can see the physical results that exercise works.  Don't get me wrong, is new program is not easy, there are days I want to say 'screw it' and go back to my normal, lazy, do nothing life style...ahhh, those were the good old days.  You've no idea how much I hope that doesn't happen because indeed something weird has happened.  I feel better.  I've more energy.  I breathe better.  I sleep better.  I've more strength in my arms and legs.  I don't want to stop this program.

Oh, I'm realistic enough to know the odds are nil to none against me doing this for the rest of my life, but I want to continue, I really, really do.  Lord willing and if the creek don't rise maybe, just maybe I will.

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