Friday, September 27, 2013

One more time.

Once again, those edjukated guys and gals are promising us 'storm like conditions' we normally don't see until November.  A whole weeks worth.

I've been preparing.

Last week I put away all my outdoor summer stuff I expected to 'fly away' because the local weather authorities said the gusts and gales were 'a-comin'.  Boy, was I ready.

Then, this week I was told it was going to get into the 40's over night.  That information caused me to weatherize indoors and out, so as I mentioned in my blog yesterday, I brought in my houseplants and cleaned my heaters and standing fireplaces.  Now, I'm even more ready. 

Come on bad weather, put your dukes up...I'm ready to give you the one-two punch.

Checking my 'favorite list' weather page, I see the rain is supposed to start as early as 9 AM this morning....and pretty much not stop for seven days.  Tick, tick, tick.  It is now, according to my computer clock 8:37 AM.  Tick, tick, tick.  Is it gusty?  Is there a down pour?  A shower?  A sprinkle?  Nope. 

Oh, sure, the sky is grey, but that's pretty typical for the Pacific Northwest.  We are all used to that.  Over the last several years we've had some pretty good winter storms, but, (and I can't believe I'm going to say this, cause I hate when people do) they are not like the ones "we used to" get, have.  The kind that takes down stands of trees, wipes out power for days, makes us become creative in the ways we prepare meals, and has us washing up with boiling water from a large kitchen pot.  Ah, those were the days, my friend, those were the days.

I guess we could blame the changes on Global Warming...which I absolutely do believe in, or perhaps, El Nino, La Nina and even more currently La Nada, which is apparently the kind of year we are having. 

I didn't even know there was a La Nada until recently when I happened to see a map indicating the band of weather conditions across the Equator is lying flat, with very little activity, which in turn has those edjukated meteorologists in either a state of sober confusion, or drunken stupor.  Apparently they've not a clue what's going to happen next.

Okay, okay, I know....I rag on the weather people w-a-a-a-y to much. I simply can't help myself.  It's just they all seem so self-righteous, know-it-all-ish, egotistical, pompous...and when they are on scene...'LIVE AND LOCAL'...well, that's just down right stupid.  Not only are they putting themselves in harms way, by standing in close proximity to freeway off ramps and to four and six lane street intersections in freezing rain, 40mph wind gusts and blowing snow, they aren't telling us we can't know by simply looking out our living room windows. 

I know what you're thinking...Why do I watch them if it is such an issue for me?  Cause I can and cause it gives me a good giggle when the weather guys and gals are wrong.  I get all 'twitter-pated'.  It's fun. 

Oh, oh, here it comes...count down to 9 AM...5, 4, 3, 2, 1.  Tick, tick, tick.  No wind, no rain...Uh-oh...La Nada strikes again .


  1. Sounds Like you are ready to settle in with a good book and relax.

  2. Either that, or I can do serious work on Zazzle making merchandise for Christmas.
