Monday, September 16, 2013


and just like that, (snap) summer was over.

Last week, I was running around in shorts, with every fan in my house humming at full speed.  It was lovely.  The summer sky had waned weeks before, but the temperatures still hovered in the eighties.  Perfect, perfect summer weather.  I loved it.  Yeah, it was quite noticeable it was getting dark earlier every evening, but that was nice because by  the time I went to bed the house had cooled nicely and I could turn off all the fans.

A shield bug appeared one morning and I was delighted.  I wish I had brought it into the house.  I didn't and I've not seen it since, but I'm hoping some day I will see it in my morning room sunning itself.

The huge spider that hung on its web just outside my bay window did not appear last night, I have to confess it was like losing a friend, I'd become so used to seeing it every evening.

Yesterday morning I found a beautiful dark red oak leaf in the front yard...can it, it's too early for leaves to be falling.  I looked for acorns on the tree, I could find none...not a one...but I did see plenty of their caps sprawled under the tree.
Apparently the neighborhood squirrels have had quite a feast.

And, then there was the rain.  The day started with a gentle mist that barely wet the sidewalk.  Then, there was an electrical storm followed by more and more showers.  By late afternoon I abandoned my shorts and t-top for sweat pants and shirt. Surely it's too early to change my wardrobe plan.  But, maybe not.

I'll tell you what.  I won't put my fans away quite yet, and will continue to check on my spider every evening, and even buy some green beans in the hope my shield bug brings a bag and moves in for the winter. 

I can't stop the leaves from falling, but I can collect and press them between the pages of my big book. 

Actually, I can't wait for next Sunday when fall officially begins, I can put away my summer decorations and bring out my pumpkins, scarecrows, gourds, Indian corn, chrysanthemums, and brightly colored leaves.  Stop by some day, you'll find my house a kaleidoscope of color.

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