Sunday, September 1, 2013

Riding the Rails

Waaay back in 1011, I wrote a little piece on Facebook that went on for about a
week.  It was one of those things that started as a lark, and then took on a life of its own.

I was recently telling Frankie about it, and she thought perhaps I should re-print it here in my blog.  I got to thinking what the heck, why not.

So, here for your enjoyment....or maybe not...over the next week or so I will re-tell that little story here.  If you've already read this on Facebook, get a week off.
Riding the rails


Riding the Rails
All names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Back story:  This imaginary trip started as a conversation on Facebook that got out of hand on April 8th, with a comment Bonnie made when she stated, “I’m watching you”, meaning Linda and me. 
I responded stating “Don’t really start to worry until we both start talking gibberish.”  And, Linda added “Or start talking about hopping a freight train to New York City...then really worry...the scary thing is we just might do it.”    Then I said “Zorro and I can leave tomorrow morning. Teresa said she will look after the cat.”  Later that evening I posted (quoting the song) “I’m on the Last Train to Clarksville”...and the adventure began.

Hopped the train to Clarksville, Indiana...dang, box cars are cold...Ernie, got on the train in Hood River, he has a 'mutt', named Silverado. I think Silverado and Zorro are going to be good friends. Hoping to meet up with Linda in Ogden, Utah. We had baked beans out of a can, with hard crusty bread for dinner.  Ernie is a big help and teaching me the ropes for life on the road.

Er-that should be life on the rails...seems like I better learn the 'lingo'.

Linda hopped a train in Barstow, heading for Utah, to hook up with me.  She told me a guy got on her train in Vegas, said he doesn't seem to want to talk much and that he’s is a tall dude, hmmm, tall could come in handy.

I'm getting so excited, we are almost to Ogden, I've never been there. The dawn was baby blue, with a hint of pink on the edges of the cotton clouds. Ernie says the train will be stopped for a while to drop off some cargo, and empty cars, so we can grab a bite to eat. The night was pretty cold, but we all managed to stay warm...amazing how much heat a little dog can put out. Whooo, whooo.

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