Thursday, December 5, 2013

It's funny,

how we take things for granted.

For instance, yesterday, I happened to be watching TV, and on two different shows, on two different channels the subject of the "Northern Lights" came up.  One was from a scientific aspect, and showed clips of the beautiful arrays of this natural
phenomena. The other was from actor Ben Stiller, who had the opportunity to see them first hand when he was on location in Iceland, making a film.

The host of the show he was on brought up the subject, asking if Ben had the opportunity to see the "Northern Lights" while he was there, and said how much, he (the host) would like to see them in person himself.

I got to thinking about having had the opportunity to see Aurora Borealis just about every summer, while growing up in Pennsylvania.  And, I guess I assumed everybody got to see this beautiful display of color dancing against the velvet black curtain of the August sky. 

Generally, we could see them between ten and eleven o'clock.  One minute the sky was dark, stars twinkling the way stars do, then magically, the fingers of light would appear in the northern sky. Brilliant colors, yellow, pink, creamy white, and red, constantly moving and changing shape, fingers stretching southward, retracting back, fanning out like an Oriental fan.  Delicate and mystical. 

Then, just as quickly at they had appeared, they would be gone.  I remember standing in our open field watching, waiting for them to return, even though I knew they would not.

What other things have I seen that others have never had the opportunity to observe? What magical delights?  Fireflies come to mind.  Tiny green frogs.  Bright red cardinals.  Huckleberries sweet and blue-violet growing by the side of the road. 

How often do we not appreciate the little treasures that come our way by happenstance?  Frankly, Over the years, I've given very little thought to the "Northern Lights", they come, they what.  It suddenly occurred to me it's been over 50 years since I've seen them with my own eyes.  What a fantastic gift it was to reminded of them yesterday, I so enjoyed their dances in the clips I saw.  I'm glad Ben Stiller had the chance to see them for real, I'm blessed I had the opportunity to see them so many times for real, myself.  I wish everybody could.

        How sad.

We look, but do not see.
We hear, but do not listen.
We touch, but do not feel.
We taste, but do not savor.
We breathe, but do not smell.

Let's stop taking things for granted.

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