Thursday, December 19, 2013

What to do, what to do.

Well, Santa was in a muddle, he stewed, he fretted.  What in the world was he going to do with Brunhilda.  It wasn't that she was not a good worker, because he had watched her throw herself into every job ever assigned to her.  It was just her wandering mind and forgetfullness eventually got her into trouble.

One morning while he was puffing on his pipe and muddling, his Office Assistant, Matilda, reminded him the position of Supervisor of Reindeer was still open and that perhaps Brunie might be perfect for the job.  It didn't require a great deal of physical labor, and all she would really have to do is oversee the schedules of the Reindeer Elves, make sure the barns were clean, the deer were well fed, and that they had their blankets at night to keep them warm.

What a great idea, thought Santa.  This indeed might be the perfect job for Brunie, the one to take her right up to her retirement.  So, he called her into the office and explained the position to her.  His greatest fear was that she would consider this a demotion, however, she was thrilled.  It turned out she had a particular fondness for the reindeer and took over the supervision of the Reindeer Barns that very morning. 

The barns were a row of bright red buildings, that had stalls for every single reindeer in Santa's possession.  They were insulated from the cold, and each barn had a huge stove that chugged out heat 24/7.  At one end there were bales and bales of fodder, and barrels and barrels of apples, carrots and sugar cubes to keep the deer well fed and happy.  Elves worked around the clock making sure each deer got to use the exercise equipment, got a good brushing, and that their stalls were clean, clean, clean.

Was Brunie a happy camper?  You bet your sweet bippy!  She was delighted, and the Reindeer Barns had never been run so efficiently.  She even got awards and soon the walls of her office were lined with them.  Better yet, she had time every day to let her mind wander, without having her 'rovings' get her into trouble. 

Matter of fact.  One of her 'wanderings' led to something wonderful.  She was always concerned with the amount of time it took for the Elves to sweep the reindeer...well...
er...ah...(how can I put this)...poop out of the stalls.  She thought and thought how to speed up this chore, and one afternoon, while she was petting the deer on their snouts and giving them apples she had an idea.

She rushed to her office and began to design (are you ready?) a robot.  Yes indeedy, a robot.  Off she went to the Research and Development Department, and before long
sturdy, waist high, metal and plastic gadgets were hustling and bustling around the barns, efficiently collecting, the reindeer residue. They even pushed the wheel-
barrows to the greenhouses where the 'poop' eventually became fertilizer for the
holly bushes and Christmas Trees.

Santa was thrilled, the Reindeer Barns Elves were thrilled, and so was Brunie.  She now spent her evenings in her rocker, by the fire, drinking hot chocolate, thinking, thinking, thinking.  Where. oh where, would these wanderings take her?  What kind of trouble would this eventually lead to?

Chapter Six to follow.

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