Sunday, April 27, 2014

Uh Oh

I was just checking my news page on the 'net' and see the mid-section of the country is supposed to be having severe storms today, with possible tornadoes.  Now, I'm trying not to write as much about my darling, adorable eaglets this year, and I've been doing pretty good at that.  However, today as I looked at the weather map I have to confess I got a lump in my throat, and a rather sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.  Seems Decorah, Iowa is sitting smack dab in the part of the country that could get some pretty bad storms today.  I confess, I fear there could be a violent thunder storm and/or tornado that could wipe out the strand of cottonwood trees where the Decorah nest sits.

Not long ago they had a night time thunderstorm that was very, v-e-r-y impressive, the lightening strikes made it look like daylight, and the thunder was awful, it rumbled after each strike for a very long, loud time. Mama did her best to keep the babies dry, but they are getting so large it is hard for her to cover them 100%.  I was wishing dad would show up to help.

It is very grey and windy in Iowa today, the nest tree sways pretty darn good every once in a while.  The snow has not been gone all that long, and the trees have only started to bud, so there is not much natural protection for the nest yet.  Since I feel as though I'm part of this magnificent family, I've dressed myself for worry.  Yes, tornado season time, I worry,  Mama and dad are great parents, but there's no way they will be able to save the babies if the tree goes over.  I can only hope the folks who operate the Raptor Resource Project (since they are very close by) get there lickity brindle, and can transport the babies to a safe, secure, warm place. 

I know mama and dad will survive, and will build a new nest, or perhaps return to their original one, and next year start a new family.  In the meantime, from afar, I will continue to watch, hover and worry, worry, worry.

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