Sunday, March 17, 2013

It happened again.

This morning I awoke with a song stuck in my head.

I truly do hate when that happens, and in the days before I got my computer sometimes it would take me all day to figure out all the lyrics that were missing either from the verse or the chorus....oh...I guess songs today don't have  chorus'.  Anyway...this morning a short children's song was stuck in my head, slowly rolling along like a bowling ball going down the gutter...thump, thump, thump...thump, thump, thump.

The song is called, Soft Kitty.  I heard it for the first time in my life a short time ago when I started watching the show "The Big Bang Theory".  Sheldon was sick with a cold and he asked Penny to sing it to him because it is what his mommy did when he got sick as a child.  Penny reluctantly agreed to sing the the way...rubbing his chest with a well known 'rub'. 

She did not know the words so he sang it first to her.  Her first attempt did not go well, and making a very uncomfortable situation even worse, she had to 'start from the top'.

This morning, I happened to recall that episode, and that charming little ditty came into my mind. 

Soft Kitty

Soft kitty,
Warm kitty,
Little ball of fur.



Da Da kitty,
Da Da kitty,
Purr, purr, purr.

Damn it!

Over and  over again I tried to recall the rest of that song.  I have since heard it a few more times on the's a simple little rhyme, why can't I recall the words.

I fed my furry friends,  Soft kitty...
I fixed myself a cup of coffee,  Warm kitty...
I let the dog out,  Little ball of fur....

I let the dog in, Da, da, kitty...
Damn it!

I proceeded with other chores, trying desperately to push this song out of my head, nothing worked.

Finally, I sat down at the computer, went on the Web, and there it was...Soft kitty...word for word.  I learned the original title is 'Warm Kitty' and it was written by Edith Newlin.  You have no idea how delighted I was.  I sang the entire song note for note, word for word in my head...then I sang it out loud...then I found the scene from the show on You Tube and watched that.  DE-lightful.

Now I can go on with my day and sing this little melody anytime I want.  Funny, though, it is already slipping away.

Soft kitty,
Warm kitty,
Little ball of fur.....


Oh, no, you're going to have to finish this one for yourself.

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