Friday, March 29, 2013


I've been warned on numerous occasions, not to be to personal on the Internet.

For instance, I've been told not to post on facebook I am going to be 'out', as it lets the world know I am going to be away from home and I've put down the welcome mat for everyone and anyone to come and steal everything I own.

Baaaa, haaaaaa, haaaaa, haaaaa,  Like I own anything worth more that twenty bucks.

Also, they say not to post personal information, such as home town, mother's maiden name, where you graduated, etc., etc., etc.  And, common sense tells me this is true, so I have tried not to post too much information on the net.  However, I also know this is a wasted effort because with a little time and energy, anybody can find out just about everything about me with simple clicks on their keyboard.  And, for as little as thirty bucks, you can learn even me it is a jungle out there.  Big brother is watching...and long before drones. 

(But, I digress.)

Anyway, as a result, here on my blog I try to tell things only about myself and Frankie.  Well, and Zorro and CC.  Although I have mentioned a few other family names as well, I have tried not to include surnames, and the locations they live.  And, in keeping with that policy today I'm going to slightly step over the personal boundary and mention two members of my wonderful family.

My two sisters.  One a little older than myself, and one several years younger.  We are not peas in a pod.  Matter of fact we are so different, I believe that's what makes us such a tight little group.  My older sister and I shared a room, in harmony, (I might add) until she married and began a family of her own.  My younger sister and I have total opposite opinions of our growing up years.  She insists she tormented me to the point of exasperation, while I tend to remember none of that.  Therefore, she also insists "I'm in denial."  Whatever.  Regardless, we got through the growing up phases of our lives, pretty much unscathed.

Over the years, especially those we were busy raising our families, we were not in touch as we should have been...can't get those years let's not dwell
on them.  Besides, at that time, we had mom who keep us bonded, she was the
secure, big, hulking link in the family chain that held us all together.

Now, we're older, and the differences in our age don't mean much anymore, those years seem more like minutes.  We've become close, still different, but close...and I love the camaraderie we now have.  We laugh, we cry, we sigh, we share secrets. 
And best of all, we have taken on the roll our mother used to have, we are three secure, big, hulking links in the family chain, the matriarchs, that hold it all together. 

So, my dear sisters, this blogs for you.  Thanks for being part of my life, and bringing me much joy.  Here's to yesterday, here's to today,  and here's to tomorrow.


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