Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The faster I go, the behinder I gets

Clocks, they come in all sizes, all shapes, all colors, most are digital that cast eerie light during the darkest hours and simply show the time numerically.  I personally like the ones you have to wind, that softly talk, tick, tick, tick, or sometimes tick-tock, tick-tock.  Each tick or tick-tock erasing another moment of your life.

Where, oh where does time go?  Not only is this year moving at warp speed, can you believe spring starts in a couple of weeks?, so are the days, hours, minutes and seconds.   Tick, tick, tick. 

I know I'm trying to cram too much into my days, hours, minutes and seconds, I'm old and can't do warp speed, still, my little legs and moving as fast as they can. I remember the days when I would spend weekday afternoons curled up under an afghan, fighting to stay awake, watching ID, learning how to commit the perfect murder, time was, dull, boring, dragging.

Now, I have no time for dull, boring, dragging.  Every minute I'm busy as those tiny ants that zip along my kitchen counter top.  About the only time I have now for TV is in the evening, when I find I have dozed off, missed the end of one show and have not a clue what show I am watching when I wake up.  At this point I turn off the TV and go to work until about two or three of the A of M. 

I'm telling you, there are not enough hours...not near enough.

For instance, for the last two weeks I have been trying to find time to assemble the paper work to prepare my taxes.  I've been interrupted so many times, the task so taxing and time consuming,  that finally yesterday Frankie had to tie me to the sofa and make-shift desk to force me to get the job done.  I told her if she did not allow me to watch TV at the same time, I could not vouch for her safety, and would take away the last of her pudding cake and never, ever, buy her another.  She loosened the chain, and lengthened it so I could get as far as the bathroom.  She's a gem, isn't she?

So, set to work I did.  I cleared all the files from last years boxes, separated them into piles, one for tax purposes, one for filing in the credenza, (where I store them for the suggested time years, I believe); then started to fill the just emptied boxes with this years files.  Along the way the floor got cluttered (ankle deep) with all sorts of riff-raff who's next phase of life is the recycle bin.  Jobs done, done, done and done.

However, along yesterday's hours, I also took some pictures for future Zazzle projects, made my Zazzle page more user friendly, prepared pizza for dinner, vacuumed the carpet, and made frequent trips to the door to allow Zorro out and in, plus... I marvelled at how dull, boring, and uninteresting a murder case can be.  If they let her off with a slap on the wrist, I'm moving to a mysterious island...somewhere...I don't really care where.

And, because I have trouble multi-tasking, some of yesterday's things didn't get done.  I won't elaborate...'cause I don't want to admit...'I forgot' to do them and will simply say I didn't have enough time for them.  They will get done today...I hope.

Oh, you nasty, sneaky, miserable, unrelenting, unforgiving tick-tocking time.  I hate you...the only good thing about you, the time at all. 

Tick, tick, tick...tick-tock, tick-tock.

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