Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Seriously, SERIOUSLY.

Seriously!  I’ve been trying to figure out why the heck I can’t type without a ton of typographical errors.  I’ve been at this since I took typing in high school.  Remember when the teacher would roll up the huge screen that held the layout of the keyboard when it was time to take a test?  Trust me I know where the keys are, it’s just my fingers apparently still do not.  

For a while I blamed it on the fact I’m ambidextrous, I liked that idea, I could blame ‘something’.  This was not my fault. 

Then, I decided I had fat fingers, so that the keys ‘next to the key’ I wanted to hit got in the way.  Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Lately I’ve been looking at what the actual mistake is, before it (I) correct it and I’ve found it has nothing to do with being ambidextrous, of (or) having fat fingers.  (I originally typed pingers.)  You will noitice (that should be notice) the incoorect letters are randomly typed with absolutely no rhyme or reason.  The ‘f’ is notwhere (notwhere?) near the ‘p’ on the keyboard; the ‘i’ is simply an addition to the word, as is the second ‘o’ in the word correct that should have been an 'r'.   

Seriously.  SERIOUSLY!  I have a terrible problem.  For a writer this si (is) absolutely ridiculous. I have no choice but to depend on word/spell check in order to put anything out for publication.  Then, I edit, edit, edit, and re-write, re-write, re-write.

Maybe, I’m trying to type too quickly and my fingers can’t possibly keep up with my brain that is at least half a sentence ahead of them.  Well, that’s just a stupid wxcuse, (wxcuse?).

Damn it!

 Here’s the think (thinkg)…’er thing.  A couple of days ago I was answering my Bible study questions, recording them in the margins of the book, when I discovered the same thing happens when I write.  Why it took me so long to realize this I df (do) not know.  But, there I was writing, reasing, (erasing)…writing, erasng (erasing).  Lo wod no wonder my pencils are always ‘like  new’ while the erasures are ‘nubbins’ . 
There has got to be a name for my conditon (condition) “Lord same (save) a duck.”

Crap!  I asa (am) sooooooooo done.

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