Saturday, July 7, 2012

Kitty, kitty, kitty

I  promised to write about my cat today.  She was not supposed to be 'my cat'.  I was keeping her 'over night' until a friend of mine approached her husband about getting a kitten.  Yeah, right!!!!!!!!  Baa,haa, haa.

Didn't want another cat...I was tired of keeping cat boxes clean, and all the stuff that comes with a kitty. Like trying to keep it indoors, teaching it not to climb the drapes, staying off the kitchen counters, and of course tolerating that being aloof thingy.  Well, guess what?

CC (Crystal Champagne) came into my life as a tiny, light gray, silvery puff ball that literally fit into the palms of my hands.  I found her buried deep in the undergrowth of my flower garden in the front yard.  She was in a pitiful state, mewing forlornly, utterly, completely lost.  It turns out one of my neighbor's kids brought a litter of kittens home and somehow this one escaped and ended up in my yard.

It was happy hour in my garage, and one of the attendees said she would take the kitten, except she wanted to get her husband's blessing first.  So, (idiot that I am) I said I would keep kitty over night, and I honestly expected CC to have a new home in the morning.  Well....she did...mine.

Burgie accepted her immediately, and she him, love bloomed.  What's a body to do?  He and I showered her with new toys, lots of love and lots, and lots of playtime.  Guess it was a match made in heaven.

Over time she developed her own personality.  I have (well  had) a height and growth chart going up the wall in the dining area with all the kids and grand-kids growing tags on it..CC decided the chart was hers and as she grew bigger and stronger, farther and farther up the chart she went.  As soon as she came to a name tag she would use her teeth to yank it off...I would find it on the floor.  For several weeks I would replace the tags...she would pull them off.  I finally gave up.  It is now her climbing wall.

It's pretty cute, she can scamper all the way up to the ceiling in seconds, and then hang on with a grace that absolutely astounds me.  She looks around her domain, rubs her cheek along the edge of the wall, and looks down on me as though she were royalty.

Some cats live to eat...CC on the other hand eats to live.  Some mornings her pate sits for hours before she finally decided to take a nibble or two.

Burgie passed away.  I didn't want another dog...yeah, right.  Zorro enters the picture.  It took a while for he and CC to become friends, but I was determined to let them work it out...and so they did.  Now they are 'buds'.  You should see them carry on some times.  Zorro torments her, she takes it for a while, then attacks.  I keep telling him he is never going to win, but still he persists...silly dog.

The three of us curl up on the sofa at night to watch TV.  CC is always the last to arrive, sometimes scaring the heck out of me...(I tend to doze off, and she jumps up on my chest).  During cold weather she even joins us in bed, otherwise she goes off to her secret places to sleep.

She has finally learned she is not an outside cat, though there are times she will  attack the back door screen and pull herself up to the top.  Funny that...she knows that's a no-no, and when she hears me coming she lets go and leaps to the floor in one graceful move, laughing at me all the while.

And there you have furry critters, me and Frankie, a odd combination for sure, but, we love each other in a way that's truly a mystery, and somehow we are blessed to be the family that we are.  I guess one can't really explain how family love works, we simply have to KNOW that it does.

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