Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ole, ole!!!!!

You just never know when something funny is going to happen.

This morning's game of Hide and Seek with Zorro, had me almost rolling on the floor.

Summer has arrived (at least for this week) and I was in the process of opening up all the windows ending up  in the sun room, and as Zorro is one very smart little doggie he knew Hide and Seek was about to begin.  He ran back to the living room and got into position at the front door (farthest point from the sun room).

...I walk into his view, and he gives a little jump into action.

I announce "I'm going to get you."

He reacts by going around in circles.  In the library I jump out of his view.

He barks.  I hear his little toenails click-ity, clicking across the living room floor and down the hall.

I jump back into his line of view.  This totally surprises him and he tries to stop; there is no traction point, the hall is tiled.  He tries to gain control, but his back end is lighter than the front and they kind of double-up...  he is running a-muck.  He tries to stop by sitting down, which make his attempt look like some cartoon character trying to stop and get out of the way just before it knows it's going to get hit by an angry bull.  Ole, Ole.

It takes a good two feet before he screeches to a halt.

Then...(silly boy) he tries to retreat.  That means turning around in a very small area.  Some how he manages this feat, and races back across the living room, round the corner into the dining area and disappears for a few seconds.

By now I'm laughing uncontrollably.

Zorro re-appears, lies (lays?) down, and (if he could talk) would have said,
"What the h--l???????  I did the Seek, how come you didn't Hide???????"...

Playing a trick on your, fun, fun.

Having a double yourself over, laugh...makes you feel good.

Seeing a silly look on your dog's face...PRICELESS.

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