Sunday, July 8, 2012

Frankie and me...

...or, should that be 'I'?

I guess since I've been writing about my little family I should include my dear companion, Frankie.

She came to live with us earlier this year.  I don't know if I ever wrote how she came to live with us, (and maybe you don't even care)...well, tough...I'm going to tell you anyway.

Some months ago I responded on facebook to something one of my friend's, friend wrote as a response to his posting.  (I frequently do this).  Anyway, this particular person's screen name was a boy's name, and I thought this person actually was of the male gender.  Turns out this person is a woman.  I was totally embarrassed, but likewise enthralled.  So, I posted on facebook I wanted a male nickname, too, and began a day long contest with my friends to find the perfect male name for me.

I eventually, thanks to my sister Linda, settled on Frankie.  Mostly because Frank Sinatra is my all time favorite singer, but also because it felt good in my heart.  And, simple as that, Frankie was born.  I adore her she can say and do things Sandy never would, and turned out she's the perfect counter-balance in my life.

However, here's the scary part...I'M STARTING TO THINK SHE ACTUALLY EXISTS...we frequently converse, as you can attest to in my blog because I write our conversations here.

Yesterday, during Bible study, I happened to mention the conversation Frankie and I had earlier this week about what's important.  Larraine and I had a good laugh over the fact I might be getting close to the edge and should some day be committed to an institution, save for the fact that she was intrigued by Frankie's final response.

Frankie said she thought the most important thing was to have 'just enough'.  (I now pray for this every morning.)  Larraine pondered this for a moment, and our conversation grew from that.  She related her issue of the week was new flooring, and that she was going to have to accept her 'second' choice, and didn't even know what it was going to be because she didn't have the opportunity to see a sample.  She took this information in stride.   Larraine rents, but has said she would pay for half the materials and installation expense so I definitely thought she should have some say in what was installed.

Before our study began, her phone rang.  It was her rental service, saying the second choice for flooring was presently not be available, so the job would have to wait.  Larraine, said she would like to see what the home-owners thoughts were, and would call the service back.  (Let me state here, Larraine had already boxed up everything in advance of the work to be done and was ready for the installation.)  The home owner stated he did not have a problem with the original choice for flooring, the price was comparable, and "Let's go ahead with the work."

So, it turns out she is going to get what she wants, without ranting...without raving...creating a scene...but by being humble, accepting, and gracious.  We decided, that she was blessed in the way the Lord took care of her, and gave her exactly what she wanted.  'He' had concluded  her original choice was 'just enough' and gave her exactly that.

Thanks, Frankie for you wisdom.   And...

Thank you, God, Larraine deserves 'just enough'.

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