Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Caw, caw, caw.

Well, it's over a year now since I stopped feeding the birds, Crows in particular, thanks to Bird Lady.  I'm pretty sure that once I stopped throwing seed out she thought they would magically move on to another neighborhood.  What a joke, there's a middle school within spittin' distance and a fast food place just round the bend.  Both scream....free food, free food.

Just this morning a Crow was sitting on the wires in front of my place, I wondered if it had a vague memory of the 'old lady' that used to put seed, bread, and left-overs on the driveway for them to enjoy.  I know I miss those days.

Also, and of course, she insisted I was the source of all the rats in the neighborhood, even though every evening, rain or shine, I would take my broom and dust pan out and sweep up any leftover debris from the days larder.  Guess what?  The Crows are still around, and it's the time of year for their young to be out on their own, and the parents are trying to teach them to fend for themselves full time...what a clatter...their chatter this morning must be driving Bird Lady insane...(sooo many things I could write here...but I won't.)

Plus, and although I personally have not seen one myself, my neighbors report there are still rats around.
Sooo sorry Bird Lady, not my fault.  I think as long as there are wood piles, patches overgrown with blackberries, morning glories, and other unkempt vegetation, they will continue to nest here.  It's the circle of life.

I am glad to know I was not 100% responsible for the Crow and rat problems we allegedly have, as I believe nature is going to do what nature is going to do.  Both Crows and rats were here long before I arrived in the neighborhood, and I suspect they will be here long after.

I miss not being able to watch the birds feed, so many species came to visit...a colorful array, each with their own beautiful music.  In addition to the Crows there was the squawk of Stellar and Scrub Jays,  coos of the Mourning Doves, chirps and tweets of Junkos, Wrens, Sparrows, and Towhees, while Pileated Woodpeckers hammered on metal stove pipes, telephone poles and tree trunks their tap-pity, tap, tap  resounding through the air. And, once, for about a week a beautiful Pheasant, regally strutted through the neighborhood, plumage bright and glorious.

But, life is what it is, and time has moved on...I still have an ache in my heart some days missing the personal association I had with my feathered friends, thanks Bird Lady...so I gratefully appreciate those occasions when a Crow, stops by to say howdy.  Gotta ya' Bird Lady...Got ya'.

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