Friday, July 27, 2012


I'm sure you've heard I ordered four pair of, black, size small, slippers through one of the many catalogs I get by the week, and when they arrived earlier this week, Frankie and I have a huge laugh over the fact they were, long, flat, and waaaay too big. I checked the label, they actually are size small although, they actually look like the deck of an air-craft carrier, long, square-ish and very, very flat.

Frankie immediately said to re-pack them into their envelop (yes, they came in an envelop)...which should have been my first clue they were not going to look like the colorful picture in the catalog...but, I said, "No, that will probably cost more than what I paid for the slippers in the first place, and would probably not get my refund until mid-2013."  So, I began shlucking around the house with the carriers on my feet.  THEY ARE HUGE and I had to be very careful the front end didn't not fold back, and trip me.  Still, they were cheap...what should I expect...shuffle, shuffle, shuffle.

Well, of course, Frankie has been in a state ever since.  The minute I come within her line of vision she goes into a fit of giggles.  So much so, I can't help but giggle myself.  It is amazing what a source of entertainment these stupid slippers have become.

Finally, in order to make them 'fit better', I took an old pair of slippers, cut the soles off them, covered them with 'heavy day' pads, and put a pair of stocking like footies over the whole she-bang.  On the plus side, they did help to make the slippers more sturdy, and I must confess although they don't look like they would really keep your piggies warm, in reality they do. However...giggle, giggle, giggle...on the minus side.. they also made them look even more like an air-craft carrier.  Baaaa, haaaa, haaaa.  At least they have a more solid soles so I don't worry as much about them tripping me any more but, the tiny bump where my foot actually is...looks sort of like a mole mound on a......well...................air-craft carrier.  Baaaaa, haaaa, haaaaa.

My sister says I should post a picture on facebook, and I'm going to try to do that today.  One foot will have a slipper on, the other a white footie, so you can compare.  Oh, geeze, Frankie just came in the room and is leaning over my shoulder, she gonna...yep, she's almost it comes......giggles.  Are we ever going to get over this blunder?   

Probably not, since I bought four pair...they're cheap...not really well made...I'm thinking they won't last very long...but then again, maybe they will...I might not have to buy slippers for the rest of my life.  Now there's a horrible thought...what if they out live me?  

Oh, I'm going to have to go, Frankie and I are laughing so hard, I can't see to type any more.  Teee, heee, teee, baaaaa, haaaa, haaaa.

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