Monday, July 2, 2012


It's July??????????


Why is this year in such a hurry?  I'm already noticing it is getting dark sooner.  Really, I can.  Of course the fact we've had no sunshine kind of helps that along...still...I'm sitting at the top of the slide, unwilling to let go and start the slide down to December 21.  There is a huge line of folks behind me, so I know I have to let go and start the slide down...but...I...don't...wanna'.

Sometimes I wish I could split my living between the norther and southern hemispheres so I would never have to endure Autumn and Winter again.  Australia and South Africa come to mind.  "Dear Friends,  Can I come live with you?  Well, guess I should first inquire; Do either of you think you could put up with an eccentric old person three months out of your year?  I would split Autumn and Winter up between the two of you. Baaaa, haaaa, haaa.  Isn't that kind of me?"

Yesterday I was watching the season re-runs of the Kardashian's and that is exactly the kind of wealth I would need to fulfill my dream of never having to endure Winter's doom and gloom ever again.  When one of the girls said she might have to 'rent a plane' to get to their vacation site, I almost screamed out loud.  What the a plane...not a Piper Cub either, we're talking a Lear Jet...screammmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Whew, I feel better.

So, back to reality I go.  Honest, I have a darn good life, I'm happy, content, and ALMOST have my health back.  Still coughing a bit, and stopped up too, but I'm managing.  Wish I could grab a book and go sit outside in the sun for an hour or two...but life is what it is, some summers are just yuck.  I do wish I could slow this year down a bit though, I'm no where near ready for the end of it.  Except, well...we do come up to the shortest daylight day of the year.

Guess where I will be? Yep, at the bottom step of the slid, on my way up to the top.

Wooo, hooo.

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