Sunday, December 9, 2012

Leisurely Sunday Morning.

It's a grey day, fog hangs in the taller trees, outside the air is crisp and sweet.  And, it is quiet, so,so, quiet.  A perfect Sunday morning.  Frankie is still asleep, it seems the colder the morning, the longer she stays snuggled under her blankets.

I've been up for a while, made coffee, fed my furry creatures and am contemplating a long hot shower.  I'm standing at the living room bay window, enjoying my neighborhood scenery, when a midnight blue, luxury car pulls into the driveway.  I don't panic because I think it is someone who realized this is a dead end street and is turning around.  I can see writing on the side of the car, but without my glasses I cannot read what it says.

Oh no!

It stopped!

I'm in my flannel nightie.  No time to dress, but perhaps I can at least put my hair in some kind of order before I hear knocking.  I dash to the bathroom and run a brush through what's left of my thinning hair, when the knocking starts.

Zorro's barking.

I make it to the door, and apprehensively open it a crack.   There on the stoop stands a well groomed gentleman, in a charcoal double-breasted suit. His tie holds a diamond stud tie-tack.  (Who wears those anymore.)  He reminds me of a mortician, except he is holding a shiny, black attache case that appears to be attached to his wrist with a handcuff.  Oh, crap...that the heck have I done...what kind of trouble am I in now.

He smiles and announces the is Mr. So-and so, from,  "Well Known Jewelry Store", could he please step in.

I'm speechless, but open wide the door and Mr. So-and-so enters.  Zorro is quite calm, so I know this guy is okay.

He takes a key from his pocket, unlocks the end of the handcuff attached to his wrist, and with another key he unlocks the shiny attache case.  There, inside are five royal blue, velvet covered boxes along with a card from "Well Known Jewelry Store".  Inscribed on the note in excellent script it says "A small token of my deep affection...Your True Love."

Mr. So-and-So, places the boxes in my hands, closes his case, clumsily tries to shake my box filled hand, while wishing me the best of Christmases, and excuses himself.

I'm a-gog.

I slowly open the first box.  It is a golden ring.  I open the second box, it too holds a golden ring, as do the remaining three fuzzy boxes.  They are beautiful, all delicately filigreed, each unique in their design.  Now I'm not only a-gog, but absolutely speechless.

I don't know whether to weep or laugh.  I'm so thankful today's gift was not birds I wanted to have a good belly-jiggling, throwing my head back, shaking all over kind of laugh.  At the same time, I am so touched by My True Love's devotion, and thoughtfulness at these beautiful rings I want to bawl my eyes out.

I wish I knew who he was, I would at the very least call him...and if he were here, he would be getting the hardest hug he ever got in his life, along with the most long, sloppy, kiss.  I'm touched beyond words.

Hey, maybe the birds weren't such crazy gifts after all.  Now I'm kinda looking forward and kind of excited  to see what comes next.  Aren't you?

Thanks My True Love, whoever, and where ever you are.

1 comment:

  1. b e a u t i f u l
    well written story.

    Popping over from Bipolar Diva.

    So glad I did !!
