Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cooo, cooo, cooo

It's a beautiful December morning.  Frankie and I are getting ready to watch some football.  I've not opened the living room door yet, so we are both surprised when there is a knock.  Usually we can see when someone approaches.

I open the door, a guy dressed like a chauffeur is standing there.  He's holding a box with many, many holes in it, and grinning from ear to ear, I'm thinking this guy sure has the wrong address.

He holds out the box, wanting me to open the door and take the package.  Frankie whispers in my ear,  "Be careful, it might be a bomb."...Yeah, like somebody would really want to take the time to build a bomb  to blow OUR brains out.

I open the door and questioningly ask, "Yes?"

"A gift," he states, "from Your True Love."  He shoves the box at me, and quickly turns to leave.

Frankie laughs.  "Well, at least we know it's not a bomb, considering his last gift was a Pear tree and a bird."

I gingerly open the box.  There inside are two beautiful, beige and grey birds.  I recognize them immediately, they are Turtle Doves.  I've never been so close to one, even though some used to come to my feeding spot during the summer months.  Their dark eyes look sad and pleading.  I try to reassure them it is going to be okay, no harm will come to them, but I certainly can't keep them in the box for long, so the first order of business will be to find a place to keep them.  This is quite a quandary.

Fortunately I am a keeper of cardboard boxes, and also a keeper of leftover anything, so I just happen to have some 'left-over' chicken wire on an overhead shelf in my garage.

Frankie and I construct a make-shift cage, and contemplate where to put the two Turtle Doves for safe keeping.  I guess CC will have to give up her sun room for a while, because there is already a Pear tree and Partridge in there, and with these birds arrival, the temptation of harassment by my cat will be overwhelming I'm sure.  She will have to be content hanging out in the garage for a while, until I can figure out what to do with My True Love's presents.

These gifts can't surely be headed in the direction that I think they are, but I warn Frankie things could get a little strange this month.  I'm starting to wonder if I should rent a storage facility...or perhaps see if Old McDonald might have a little space to share on his farm.  I think he just might understand a sudden increase in animal population.

Does anybody out there have his number?

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