Thursday, December 27, 2012

Setting goals

Wasn't it January, just yesterday?  I'm pretty sure it was.

And summer?????  Did we have summer?

I pretty much remember autumn, because I spent those months collecting leaves, pressing some of them, scanning others into my computer, imagining how I might make use of them.

I spent part of the year making plans with my daughter Karen to take my little publishing company to the next level.  Look out Internet we're coming.

Then the holidays came...and went....

Poof, the year was over.

I didn't set any goals for the year, I guess I must have decided somewhere along the line to let it play out however it was going to.  I was okay with that.  I'm pleasantly surprised how well it turned out, I actually accomplished quite a bit.

Now a new year looms a mere five sleeps away.  I don't make New Year Resolutions, I learned even as a teen I would never keep them.  Lose weight, exercise, change eating habits, make better use of my time (sigh) I guess I simply do not have the 'resolve' to accomplish these things.

What does 'resolution' mean anyway?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of RESOLUTION
: the act or process of resolving: as
a : the act of analyzing a complex notion into simpler ones
b : the act of answering : solving
c : the act of determining

What??????  How does the above have anything to do with losing weight, exercise, eating habit or making better use of my wonder my resolutions always failed.

Hmmm, I wonder if I did set some 'goals' if I could accomplish those?

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of GOAL
a : the terminal point of a race
b : an area to be reached safely in children's games
: the end toward which effort is directed : aim

Aha......!!!!!! Yes, yes, I can make effort....I can aim for an end result.  I like it, I like it.

So, next year, I will continue to work diligently to try to make my little company successful, not so much to become monetarily wealthy, but wealthy from the achievements of doing a job well.  I'm simply going to aim myself toward a goal...I'm going to shoot for the stars, there are billions of them out there, so I know for sure I'm going to hit one of them, doesn't have to happen in '13, space is vast, space is mysterious, space is endless, I think I'll ride 'shotgun' and let 'aim' drive to the goal whenever, and wherever it is.

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