Friday, May 10, 2013

...and then there are dumb-dumbs.

So, over the weekend, while my sister and I were shopping...(right before the lounging and napping part) I bought a bag of grass seed. 

Man, grass seed is v-e-r-y expensive,  I only needed a little bit, and was certainly not going to pay fifteen dollars for a box of 'Big Brand Name' seed.  Finally, there on the shelf, below eye level I found 'see through' plastic bags of seed for $4.99 perfect.  Price and quantity.  I scoop it off the shelf and dump it into my cart.

Up til yesterday the bag sat out on my garage work bench.  Wow...I think that's the first time I have referred to the work bench as 'mine'.  Anyhoo, there it sat.  Frankly, I forgot it was there...damn old age.

I don't even remember what I was actually looking for in the garage, when I spied the bag of seed.  What the heck says I...this is a good day to plant the seed...why not?

I'm out at the flattened mound, tromping about, mushing down the clumps of soil I was too lazy to mush at the time they formed getting ready to fling the grass seed around.  Frankie saunters out of the house.

Frankie:  "What's ya' doin'?"
Me:  (Tromp, tromp) "Leveling off the mound."
Frankie:  "Why?"
Me:  "This project has gone on long enough, today I'm going to throw grass seed on it and call it 'good'."

I punch a hole in the plastic bag and start to throw the seed around.  I use the whole bag.  The ground is covered with seed...except where it did NOT land on a clump of soil.  There were still lots of THEM.  Frankie shakes her head, and her Dum-dum lollipop at me.

Frankie:  "Aren't you going to cover the seed with some soil, or rake it in or something?""
Me:  "Nope."
Frankie:  "You do know that's not going to grow."
Me:  "Nope."
Frankie:  "Did you even read the directions?"
Me: "Nope."
Frankie:  "Geeze!"
Me:  "Hey, the guy in the store said all I have to do is 'keep it damp', he didn't say nothin' 'bout havin' to bury the seed."

By now I'm dragging the hose out to the newly strewn seed, and plunk the sprinkler mechanism in the middle of the circle.

I wish you could have seen Frankie's face.  It was a cross between wonder and disbelief, I knew she was thinking I either had fantastic faith, or was the biggest idiot she has ever met.

I turn on the hose, and have a seat in our front yard 'hang-out' and let the water do its job.  As soon as the water started to run down the driveway and into the street I turn the water off.

"So," says Frankie, "That's it."  (What's left of her Dum-dum is making lazy circles in the air).
Me:  "Yep, pretty much."
Frankie:  "And, you really expect that to grow."
Me:  "Yep."
Frankie:  "You really do live in a rose colored world."
Me:  "Yep."

We head for the house, I think this dumb-dumb is ready for a Dum-dum.

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