Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Life's funny.

Yesterday my daughter and some of the grand kids came for a visit.  It was a grand and glorious time. 

I had pre-ordered dinner from one of the national Pizza chains, so we didn't have to wait long to eat.  Oh, there were pizzas, pasta casseroles, chicken wings, bread sticks and some cinnamon sticks for dessert.  Man, did we ever eat.  However, I think a couple of 'extra hot' wings got into my batch, because one of mine made my mouth burn for a couple of hours, and made my digestive system go ouch, ouch, ouch even longer.  But all in all we managed to eat our fill with a few left-overs for myself over the next few days.

This morning I began to think about the three generations that had gathered together, and the life's funny part.  Not funny, ha, ha.  But funny in a unique, peculiar, unusual, quirky kind of way.

I see both my daughter and son-in-law in all the kids.  My older granddaughter sounds exactly like my daughter, yet her facial features do not really imitate her mother or father.  My younger granddaughter looks more like her dad, but is petite like her mother.

One grandson is tall and slender...I'm not sure where the height comes from, because either my son-in-law or daughter are exceptionally tall.  The other grandson is not as tall but athletic...blond hair and has a lot of my dad's side of the family features. 

It is 'funny' to see all these qualities blossom and grow.  I see generations past...especially my dad's side of the family...mannerisms, facial features, laughter.
I see the generations as we are today.  Me in my daughter, my daughter in her kids, senses of humor, senses of adventure, desires to achieve, explore, learn.  I imagine the next generation, when new traits blend with those already well established in the 'family pool'.  Will the genes produce an Einstein, a president, a doctor, lawyer, professor?

It's 'funny' the part I've played in all of this...and who knew when I was born all those years ago that I would finally be the family matriarch.  Overseeing my dynasty, from a humble abode, door open, always welcoming family home. 

Who knew, when I married, the family would grow and even more traits would enter the 'family pool', squeezing, nudging, wiggling in when my youngest was born.  She shares even more unique qualities.  I still see my traits in her, but she also shares traits with her dad and siblings from him and their 'family pool'. 

Oh, I tell you, life's funny.  I should think about this more often.  Imagine science reducing and reducing us in size, so we can be seen in strands of DNA, that tell us more about ourselves than perhaps we really want to know. those the history of me going back to the beginning of time.  And, in those strands is my family and what we are today...unique, peculiar, unusual, quirky in a funny kind of way.

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