Friday, May 31, 2013

New Hobby

Now, don't get the wrong idea.  I do not sit around all day eating bonbons and watching the telly.  However, I will watch a talk show a couple of days a week.  Anderson Cooper comes to mind.  And, if I get to bed at a decent hour, let's say midnight or so I will tune in Jay Leno and Graig Ferguson.  Even more recently
I've discovered Graham Norton's show on BBC America.

Oh dear, I'm starting to giggle.  Give me a minute.....Tee, hee, chortle, chortle.

I've found over the last, not so long ago, while I'm watching these shows, I'm not paying attention to what folks are saying, or what they are wearing...but how they are acting.  No,no, no....not misbehaving,   I'm talking about the subtle things they don't realize they are doing.  Like what they do with their hands and arms, their legs and feet...oh my, especially their feet.  Heee, heee, heee.

Some men cross their feet at the ankles, some will turn their feet on their edges, soles facing each other...(that looks sooo uncomfortable) there are some that then have the soles touching each other, while others will have their feet a few inches apart.  Some will turn one foot on its edge and rest the other foot on top of it.

Oh, and the foot attire.  I'm often amazed, men will be immaculately dressed, till their footwear, I've seen some pretty scruffy sneakers, folks.  I love the guys who fling one leg over the other at the knee and bend it over so you can see the sole of the shoe that's visible.  Some guys appear to be wearing shoes they must have stopped in a Shoe Emporium to buy on the way to the show, they have barely a scuff mark, while others I swear should be thrown away.  It's such a hoot. 

And, you have any idea how you look walking across that stage to your seat.  I know you think you look graceful, but I suspect you must be thinking...'please, don't let me fall, please, don't let me fall.  I've watched shows where you take them off almost as soon as you sit down so I know they are uncomfortable, and often, the way your toes extend out over the ends of them I'm also aware they do not properly fit.

Now the legs.  I've seen petite woman, lift themselves up using the arms of the chairs and curl their legs under themselves, then carefully fold their skirts around them like a blanket (It is usually the girls who take their shoes off that do this.)  I used to do this myself when I was still able to fold myself up...those days are long gone.

But my favorite...are the girls whose dress/skirt barely covers their derriere...they come on stage, sit next to the host, scoot back as far into the chair as their height will allow and then give a firm, yank on the fabric as though it will somehow lengthen down to their knees.  Once they are seated, from the waist down THEY DO NOT MOVE.  So generally a lot of hand and arm motions ensue.

As for the guys, they are free to do whatever they want with their legs.  Most guys will fling one leg over the other, or keep both feet firmly planted to the floor.  However, last night...oh my gosh...I got to giggling so bad.  There was a star...I will not mention names.  He's around my age, very well known, a little paunchy...and in my opinion should have been dressed more 'star-like' than he actually was.  Shirt was not neatly tucked in, jacket open...very tie.  Anyway.  He sat on the couch with several other stars, and immediately took it over.  Seriously, he sat there arms flung out in opposite directions as far as they could go...(giggle, giggle) he did the same with his legs, and...not only were they extended as far as they could go...he turned his feet so that they were turned outward, too.  I could not believe the space he took up.  I wondered what Freud would have had to say about that. 

As for the hands and arms...well the hands generally tell the arms what to do, because they are attached and have no choice. I've seen stars almost pick their nose, but somehow manage to turn that into a rub. There have been men and women, who fuss with their long hair until I wish I could take a pair of scissors, dash across the stage and cut it off.  Women are especially 'touchy-feely' and we talk about men harassing women? I've seen women touching the host's hands and arms, and occasionally a knee, if the chairs are arranged that that is possible. Oh, stories are endless.

Anyway, now you know my newest hobby.  I've always been a 'people watcher' but up til recently it has always been in the flesh, now, oh my gosh I had no idea I could do this with famous people, too...what an insight.  I guess they can be glad they don't know I'm watching.

But, let me offer just a few words of advise.  Girls, wear longer skirts...seriously!   Guys, select better shoes...those sneakers are ridiculous...but if you do have to wear least tie the laces...seriously!

Okay, I'm done.  Happy telly-visioning...

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