Monday, June 25, 2012


Here we go again.

Couple of nights ago, just as I was about to dose off, I had one of those 'things they never tell you' episodes.

There I was, finally relaxed, curled up in a tight little ball, when all of a sudden, I could feel it coming...that awful, AWFUL leg cramp.  OMG, they are worse than labor pains.  I hate when they happen.  Literally, I have to bite my tongue to keep from screaming.  Paul used to get them, too, he would leap out of bed, and make all sorts of horrible noises as he attempted to regain composure.  I thought he was over reacting and being a big baby over a little pain.

Then, a few years back I began to have them myself.  I (of course to show my deceased partner I'm way...way braver than he, remain prone, try to control my breathing and ride out  the distress).  It's hard.

Once you mention this old age condition to people they suddenly have all sorts of medical advise that will get you through these painful times.  Eat garlic, drink milk, cut dairy products from your diet, exercise, take vitamin supplements, eat red meat, etc., etc., etc.  I've yet to come up with a solution to this problem.

Anyway, the other night, I thought to myself, "not this time" and I immediately rolled over onto my back and stretched out as far as my shrinking body would go.  Oh, I could feel that muscle become wanted to hurt...I was determined that it wouldn't.  For about 30 seconds I thought it might win, but my will was stronger than the pain, thank goodness.  However, the next morning the muscle was still trying to win, it was on the edge of materializing, but I stood up and began to walk around so that today only a bit of tightness at the muscle end remains (maybe it would have been better to let the pain come and go).  I am quite aware it still intends to win, and some night I know it will.

Probably just AFTER I fall asleep.

So it goes, just another chapter in my book, 'Things they Never Tell You'.

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