Monday, June 4, 2012

Rambling old woman

I have to confess living with Sandy is a lot more complex than I ever imagined.  She definitely marches to her own parade...I know because she is always saying 'We must march to our own parade.'  What she doesn't realize is she can't march as quickly as she used to so sometimes the parade not only catches up, but overtakes.  As a result she (we) almost get overrun with a floral float or the 'grand marshal's car'.

For example yesterday afternoon was our Bible study.  Sandy decided the place needed a once over (will she do that for!), so she proceeded to wipe down the bathrooms and vacuum the place.  I was thrilled.

She had that vacuum going sixty miles an hour, bumping into furniture, baseboards and even a few four-legged things not anchored down.  I mean to tell you there were a few minutes I even feared for my life.
She was keeping a pace even Superman would have trouble keeping up with, when suddenly the activity ceased and it got very quiet.  Was Sandy okay?  I found her in the kitchen winding up the vacuum's cord. She looked frazzled.

Innocently, I inquired if she was going to dust.  I'm telling ya' she shot me a look...the...look...the one that means I'm in so much trouble my full name is about to explode from her mouth.  UH, oh, I decided to keep my mouth shut.

Her parade had stopped in the middle of the street, perhaps a float's engine had broken down.  I realized  she is not used to house cleaning anymore, and had pooped herself out, she was definitely done marching for for the day.  Sandy muttered under her breath, dragged the vacuum behind her to the closet, while Zorro ran for cover.

I guessed flinging a rag around was out of the question... perhaps that could wait for another day.  I know, I know, I could have done the dusting myself, but I don't want to start a precedence, besides the ole' place didn't look too bad.  Actually, she 'done good', I congratulated her and gave her a pat on the back.

Then (giggle, giggle) I went around the corner and wrote my name in the dust on the living room end table.  Do you suppose Sandy will notice?


P.S.  I did notice, but don't care.


P. S. S.  Did you really think I would let Frankie have the last word?


P.S.S. #2  Yes.


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