Monday, June 11, 2012

Monday, Monday

And, so begins another week.  I realize it is not quite noon, but I've been at the computer since before eight and I took no coffee break this morning, so have opted for an early lunch.

Well, it' not really lunch, and Frankie is so disgusted with what I'm eating she refuses to come close.  You might remember I wrote a while ago she is sick, sick, sick of peanut butter on saltine crackers and I have not bought any of them since.  However, I have substituted oyster crackers in their stead;  I like to have a handful of them from time to time.

Today is one of those times.  I poured some into one of my plastic drinking cups and had a mouthful or two.

Hmmm, I say to myself, "Self, I wonder if I could stir some peanut butter onto these crackers."  I take a table spoon of the stuff and proceed to mix it and the crackers together. I was surprised how easy it was.  Hmmm, I think, I wonder if I could mix in some blackberry jelly.  So I do.  By now the mass has pretty much outgrown the cup.

Ahhh.  I spy my last banana on top of the fridge.  I peel back the skin and take a bite.  Hmmm, I wonder if I could slice up the banana and add that to my lunch?

I dump the original mixture out of the cup into a bowl, slice the banana and mix it in.  By now Frankie is so appalled at my mixture she has to leave the room.  Sometimes I have to ask myself if I behave badly just so I can get her 'goat', or, if, on my part I simply like one step meals that require little work  and that dirty few or no kitchen utensils and dishes.   Oh, I like that...I'm going to go for the little work no dirty stuff statement.

However, I have to admit that getting Frankie's 'goat' is always the icing on my cake.  Sorry, Frankie, it's just because you are such an easy target.

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