Tuesday, September 4, 2012


...when I mentioned on Facebook that I broke my computer glasses?  Snapped those suckers right in half one morning while I was cleaning the lenses...I was going to try to mend them with my narrow white surgical tape, but could see that was not going to work this time, the space between the lenses is to narrow to make a permanent seal.  What a quandary.

It took a while for me to figure this out, and I eventually decided to use super glue (I can't recall my brand name).  I took the glue, spread a little on each exposed broken edge, waited a tiny bit to allow the glue to 'set' and pressed the two pieces together.  This glue is generally quick drying, so when the glue would not hold the two pieces together I was not sure what to do.  By now, (and of course) I had managed to glue two of my fingers together.

I call Frankie to the scene.  As soon as she can control her laughter, we brain storm.

I manage to 'un-glue' my fingers.   Finally, pressing hard, the glue is starting to hold my glasses together, however, we both knew this was not the solution I needed.  In other words...bad idea...the splice was not even or for that matter even straight.  How was I going to look in cock-eyed glasses?  Cock-eyed?

Frankie spies the box of tissues sitting on the desk.  She takes one out of the box, and makes a long narrow strip.  Then, she patiently centered and straightened the break and applied more glue all around the splice, then, took the strip of tissue and began to wrap it around the break.  I watched in fascination.  The tissue began to adhere to the wet glue, adhereing the glue to the plastic frames.  Round and round she wrapped the tissue, maybe six or seven times.  With each round, she added a touch more glue, till she finally tore the dry end of the tissue off.  I could see the tissue beginning to dry, adhering it to the plastic frame; in a matter of minutes she took her thumb and forefinger and pressed the tissue tightly to the splice.

"Don't touch."  She implored.

I don't.  How did she do that and not get the glue all over herself?

In no time at all, a neat, sturdy, nerdy, beautiful white tissue seal had formed, perfectly molded to the plastic frames.  Frankie finally picked up the glasses, tested them for durability and announced "They're fixed."

Wow...clever lady...I'm so proud of her.

Oh, I also think I mentioned I'm not going to get new frames, I love my new look.  It definitely suits the NEW ME.

I must tell you sometime about the time, a week later, I spilled super glue all over my leg.  And, how THAT dried really, really quick.  I'm such an idiot.

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