Monday, February 3, 2014

Bibbity, boppity-ing, along, along

So, there I've been, for over a year now, increasing my brain power by playing the unique games on a web site call Lumosity.  I have to say I've been enjoying the challenges these games present.  Some I've gotten really good at, while some are still presenting obstacles.

I mostly like I'm not competing against anyone but myself.  Although there are countless others playing the games as well.  The site is broken down into age brackets, I'm in the last 75+years.  Occasionally I check back to younger years age brackets, and I'm pleased to report I'm holding my own back as far as the 50 years of age bracket, but lose ground with those younger.

But, that's beside the point.  The point is that a year ago in November when I started this program my BPI (Brain Profile Index) was a measly 107, and over the 14 months I've been at it my BPI has grown to 1167.  It's been hard work.  I went through a period of about a month when I fell back...badly...and I almost quit.  Figuring I'd gone as far as my brain power was going to take me.

Stubborn me...I kept at it and slowly I regained the ground I had lost.

New games have been added in all five categories.  Speed.  Memory.  Attention.  Flexibility.  Problem Solving. 

My weakest category is Attention.  A lot of these games require quickness, combined with good vision.  Since my vision is not terrific, especially the peripheral kind.  I have to concentrate very hard, to see what I'm supposed to see, and do it quickly...not a good combination.  Let me tell you I can get very frustrated with this.

Still, I keep on truckin'.  And, I'm amazed that in all five categories I am over 95% for my age group.

However, a couple of night ago, Lumosity threw me a curve ball.  They wanted me to take a test.  I knew this test was not going to be like the college courses I've taken on line where I have the lessons to refer to before taking the final.  Nooo, this was cold turkey, and I felt that knot in my stomach tighten up.  Exactly like it did in high school, when it counted on whether I'd graduate or not.  I tell you what, I did not want to take the test.

I stewed about it.  I knew I didn't have to take it.  But, because I believe in this program, and they are still trying to figure out how our brains work I felt obligated, and duty-minded to take the time to take the test.  Buddy, I was really scared.  Could this screw up my score standings?  Would this test tell me although I thought I was doing well, I wasn't?

Oh, mannnnn!

The test involved all five categories, some were easy, some more difficult, and then there was the last one.  It was the kind of test like we used to get on those "Standardized Tests" the state made us take in high school.  You know the one I'm talking about the 'what comes next' in a series of things.  Uh-oh.  My brain turned to went down, down, down, dark, dark, dark...a lot like a bowl of chocolate pudding.

I did terribly, awfully, disgustingly, ridiculously horrible.  With each wrong answer, a bright red X flashed onto my monitor.  After a while I got a bad case of the giggles...I've no idea why...(maybe because I was quite ashamed of myself).  It all seemed so silly, I felt like a Sophomore facing my very first "Standardized Test", why did those da-gone tests freak me out so.

Well, I completed the test, and got the command to get my test results.  Should I?  What the heck. 

And there it was, my score.  Average ranking for people in my age group was a good solid 100.  My over all score....

Are you ready for this....

My score 117.  Holy crap.  Now I realize this is not a really big deal, but for me it gave me the encouragement I need to keep playing the games, and pushing my brain to its limit. 

Plus, after completing the test, I got a message that this was test 1, I can take it over and over again.  Whether the additional tests will be the exactly the same as the first one I won't know until I take the second.  I think perhaps they will gradually get harder as my determination to improve my grey matter continues.  I'll keep you posted.

I have to go now, it's time for my daily visit to Lumosity.

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