Wednesday, February 19, 2014

PBJ&O, here we go again!

One day last week I was watching those olden days television programs, you know Green Acres, Mr. Ed, Beverly Hillbillies, the good shows, no swearing, no lewd behavior and outrageous clothing;  just good clean fun.  I do so enjoy an afternoon with them. 

Anyway, I think it was on the Patty Duke show that someone (I think Patty's boyfriend) said he was going home and have a peanut butter, jelly, onion sandwich.

Yes, I'll wait for you. 

I did say peanut butter, jelly and onion sandwich.

Boy, was I intrigued.  I tucked that little 'goodie' away in my brain's refrigerator and told myself "some day, some day".  Now, I know I've posted here some pretty disastrous recipes, and I admit they were awful...really, really awful.  I learned from my mistakes, never ate them again and moved on.  Still, I like to try new things, like escargot and frog legs, and for some reason PBJ & O...well as I say I was intrigued, I knew someday I would try this.

It didn't take long.

A few nights later I happened to mention to my daughter I might try this sandwich sometime.  She laughed, and almost dared me to eat such a thing.  I'm sure she though I never would.  Well, I did.

Picture me in my kitchen.  It just so happens I have some marbled rye bread on hand, lots of peanut butter, three kinds of jam and a big Texas Sweet onion.  Soon peanut butter is spread on one slice of bread while a huge amount of strawberry jam is spread on the other.  On top of the peanut butter side I've added lot of onion.  I plop the two sides together and stare (unbelieving I've actually made this sandwich) wondering if I'd have the guts to take a bite, much less eat the whole darn thing.

I'll be honest.  I thought this was going to be Awful, with a capital A.  The first few bites were, "do I like this, or don't I".  Turns out I do, did, do.  By the time I was done eating it I discovered you don't really need the "J", because the peanut butter and onion stand alone quite nicely.  I decide I will have this sandwich again.  However, trust me, not everybody is going to like this, and it is definitely for 'discriminating' tastes.

The only 'down hill' side to this sandwich is, you can't stand near anybody for quite a while...I'm talking QUITE A WHILE, but believe me, as far as I'm concerned this sandwich is worth it.  Just make sure you don't have any social engagements for at least 24 to 48 hours, depending on your brand of tooth paste, mouthwash and how long you scrub your tongue and roof of your mouth. 

In conclusion and retrospect, I think the only thing that would make this sandwich better is bacon, crispy, crunchy, bacon.

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