Wednesday, October 31, 2012

A hurricane names Sandy

I have to tell you, I'm exhausted.  I had no idea what an emotional turmoil boils up when you have a hurricane with your name attached to it.  I've been feeling guilty for days, and after all the devastation I've seen on television my guilt, regret, worry, sorrow and fears have only multiplied.  Yes, I know I have had nothing (personally) to do with this, yet there have been several people I know who have commented on the fact it was named Sandy...and "Oh, I was going to call you."  Oh, my.  Trust me people if I could have stopped this disaster I would have.

My biggest concern was for my family and my friends that still live back east, and indeed in the direct path of Super Storm Sandy.  Mostly, for my hometown, in southwest Pennsylvania.  It's a little place nestled in the Appalachian Mountains, called Johnstown.  It is known for flooding that goes back to the disastrous one of 1889.  I worried, that this event might cause another one.  Sure, it did have other floods, and did survive...and I was certain it would survive another should it happen...still...this was a 'super-storm' I was indeed worried.

Oh, my.  Why did they put Sandy, Super Storm Sandy as a handle on this particular hurricane.  Of course, the weather people, or whoever attaches names to these events had no way of knowing I'm a 'panic-attack, introvert, la-la-lady with very low self-esteem', or that I would take this event personally, very, very personally.

I KNOW, I KNOW, really, I do know I did not flood your home, nor beach your boat, nor fell your tree, nor disrupt your power, nor leave you stranded...but, for the rest of my life an iddy, bitty, part of my subconscious will whisper that I did.

On the up side, my name will forever more NOT be associated with a hurricane again.

I think I'll go now, to a corner, curl up in the fetal position and suck my thumb, okay?

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