Sunday, October 21, 2012

It's what we make it

A couple of days ago a friend on Facebook posted something about "the meaning of life", a great preponderance for all of us.  I sat staring at those words, and wanted badly, very badly, to be profound.

I got 'nuttin'.

I've written here before how I do my most profound thinking in the shower...maybe the hot water clears the cobwebs from my brain.  Anyway, while that wonderful water poured over me...I was struck by my 'meaning of life'.

Physically, it means I still have the ability to breathe.  In and out, in and out.  And have the ability to make choices about my health that will allow me to breath for as long as I possibly can.

Spiritually, it means I believe in a hereafter, and it will be glorious, I will reconnect with family and friends already there and spend eternity with them.

Mentally, it means I still have my facilities about wits, so to speak.  I can discern right from wrong, good from evil, love from hate, and friend from foe.

Creatively, it means I can color my world in bright hot colors, or drab grey and black ones when I look outward, but more importantly inward.  I've been told I look at the world through rose colored glasses so I guess you know my choice.

Attitudinal, My glass can be half empty or half full.  Always, always my glass is half full.

I think the problem we have with trying to explain 'the meaning of life' is we try to look at the whole picture without taking into consideration fine intricate nuances, the delicate shadows of dark and light, the dust particles shining through a beam of sunlight.  In other words, we make it hard, it's not.

I kind of like my 'Meaning of Life', it makes sense to me.  And I believe, in the end it is what we make of our life, that gives it meaning.

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