Monday, April 1, 2013

Mmmm, mmm, mmm

My, oh my.  I'm having a gigantic battle with myself this morning.  It is so grand and glorious outside this first day of April.  My mind, soul and younger self wants to be outside working.

Now that my decorative wall is complete, I want to get out there and move the plants from the planter I want to dismantle.  But, my hip still hurts some, and common sense tells me it is a bad idea to be out shoveling.  What to do?  What to do?

Today I would sell my a-fore mentioned soul to the devil to be in my thirties again. 

I never ever worried about breaking a bone, and sore muscles never bothered me, so working out doors has never seemed like work.  Physical labor, especially outdoor labor was always fun.  Ahhhh, communing with nature.  Creepy crawlies, dirt under my fingernails, wet, stained sweat-pants, or even wet stained knees...I devoured all of it.  Oh, and the fresh air and sunshine...couldn't ever get enough.

Now though, I do worry.  Especially the part about breaking a bone.  What if my foot slips off the edge of the shovel and I lose my balance?  What if I break my hip?  An ankle?  A leg?  Should I finally make a decision to purchase one of those necklaces to wear around my neck?  Really, has it come to that?


I suppose, I could simply go out and sit...but then my conscience would bother me because I know I want to work...Oh...I ever so badly...want to work.  I was talking with my cousin on the phone last week, and we both decided it would be much better if we were all born old and grew young, and then contemplated how that would work.  I suggested we would all spring to life, from inside humongous pea-pods.  Dah, dah!

Maybe we would all start out at some preplanned age...let's say 100, yeah, we'd be achy, and pain-y, and maybe even feeble, or sick.  But every day, week, month and year, we would get younger, stronger and healthier.  Now, let's pretend we have all
the memories, we ever had, as we had learned them the way we did growing up
from a baby...but we could have 'do overs'


I think I will leave this particular blog on that note.  I'm going to ponder that today.  Would I actually do "do overs"?  I don't life's been pretty darn good.

Question is, will I do my pondering while I'm shoveling dirt and moving plants, or let common sense take over and go sit in the sun whilst pondering...Oh the puzzlement.


  1. If you are pondering good it in the sun. If there are bad thoughts then pick up the shovel.

  2. There ya' go...pick up that shovel and bury those darn bad thoughts. Thanks, Middlechild.
