Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Fessing up.

Okay, here's the thing.  I recently heard on the TV that people are getting to personal in their on line postings, especially when it comes to their blogs.  If I am, I'm sorry, I'm an old woman and I ramble.  This is a free blog, you've signed no subscription and you are free not to read anytime you wish.  And, I'm certainly sorry if I've ever offended anybody.  I hope you continue to read, but I'm telling you up front, the blogs will sometimes be very today.

As I wrote yesterday it was awful.  It was my own fault.  I had groceries delivered on Monday.  And I confess I was like a crazy person.  All that food.  Oh, some of it was not good for me, (like salty snacks, and sweet, sweet goodies) of course those were the foods I chose to scarf down while I was putting them away. 

Now, I know I should not confess here, but I think if I do it will help me over the guilt of it all. 

I started with an old fashioned, big, puffy, glazed donut.  Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm, mmmmmmmm.

Still a bit later, (after I discovered three of the eggs I ordered had been cracked during handling) I had to eat them, so I scramble them up and had an English muffin, too.  I've not had an egg since Christmas, they were yummy.

While twilight was settling in, I decided I just had to have something salty.  So, I went to the snack cupboard and pulled out a bag of chips.  I ate, and ate, and ate.  Zorro wept.  (He does not drool, he sheds tears.)  I was stuffed to the gills.

And....a tiny bit later, I had a second big, puffy, glazed donut. Mmmmmmmmmmm.  With a cup of coffee.

Caffeine, more sugar, whoop, whoop.

Eventually I toddled off to the office to work.  I suddenly began to feel funny, kind of squeamish.  Full, uncomfortable.  I took a couple antacid tablets and continued to work.

They didn't help.  So I decided it was time for bed, I took two more tablets.

Well, the caffeine and all the sugar would not allow me to doze off, and all those foods I normal don't gorge on were still laying like a lump on my stomach.  I was
miserable.  Around 2 AM I fell into a stupor.  Around 4 I was awake again.  Two more tablets were devoured. 

I finally fell asleep 'for reals'.

When I finally awoke, I felt as though I had been on some kind of a binder.  It was awful.  The caffeine was gone, the sugar was gone, and I was low, low, low.  Seriously, I don't know how drug addicts survive withdrawal.  I was a mess.  And, stayed like that most of the day.

So, what have I learned from all this.  MODERATION.  Yes, MODERATION.  It's okay to have donuts on hand, and snacks, too.  Eggs are not bad either in MODERATION.  And, I know this is not a good excuse for my bad behavior, but for the last week my diet had not been all that good, and when my eyes beheld all at fooooooooood, I was overcome with evil but delightful glee.  I snapped.  I simply snapped and over-moderated with everything.

I ate much better yesterday, and today I'm pretty much back to normal.  Most of the goodies have been packaged and frozen, to be doled out in a normal fashion, and I've not had an antacid tablet in over twenty four hours. 

There you have it, probably waaay more information than you ever needed to know.  However, in my defense, this is also a learning experience for all of us.  Overindulgence is a bad, bad, thing.   We can be so easily lured off the manicured garden path and into the dark woods of donuts, and chips, and too many eggs....oh, my.

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