The ingredients consisted of peanut butter, jelly and....onion. Yes, you read that right, onion. I was very apprehensive as I was preparing this concoction, but was bound and determined not to let this strange combination deter me. To my surprise and delight this sandwich was not too bad.
And, I promptly wrote here on my blog that I thought the jelly didn't contribute to the sandwich and next time I would leave the jelly out of the equation. I've yet to try this, but do intend to in the future. However, next time I intend to add bacon as an additional ingredient. (Who does not love bacon, and does it not always make any food taste better.)
So, after mentioning to one of my daughters what I had eaten, she laughed and said if I made a T-shirt for my Zazzle store about my PB&O, she would not only buy one, she would wear it. The gauntlet had been thrown!
It has taken several weeks, and much editing between the two of us, but finally we came up with an illustration that satisfied both of us.

I spoke to her yesterday and told her the T-shirt was available for sale. It's time for her to 'put her money where her mouth is', and buy the shirt. I also told her I was working on a follow up T-shirt, same image, only bacon had been added to the picture. I'll try to remember to post that picture here in my blog sometime in the future.
Actually, I can hardly wait to try this sandwich, without the jelly and with the bacon, I suspect it is going to be quite tasty...who knows, maybe with the bacon, the sweet of jelly might be just the thing to meld with the savory of the other ingredients. Strawberry jam comes to mind.
We shall see, we shall see.
(Now, here's the thing, while we were researching for the 'just right' illustration for the onions, my daughter came across an illustration of an actual peanut butter and onion sandwich. So, though I thought this was something some writer wrote for a long ago sit-com to get a good laugh. It appears to be an actual luncheon delicacy??? Or, perhaps somebody, like myself simply did a cut and paste until they got an illustration that pleased them. Who knows.)
Then again, who knows indeed. Maybe Gues Who Originals just might re-establish the peanut butter and onion sandwich as a lunchtime staple. Maybe we are ahead of our time.
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