Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lord, save a duck.

Oh my word...this morning I was hit with a bolt of lightning, a cement block, a ton of bricks.

My youngest daughter is right...I AM a Nerd...or whatever Geeky, Dorky, Techie, Egghead, Book-wormy term is being used today.  Shoot, for a while I was even a member of The Blue Stocking Society.  Today I realized, this is not something I 'grew into', noooo, I've always been.

I'm certainly glad I grew up when I did...otherwise I think I might have been subjected to some pretty unsavory pranks in school.  I was never picked on, or shunned, and as far as I know never made fun of.  (Some things are left better unknown.)

Don't feel sorry for me...I'm quite happy to wear the above titles, do so life's been pretty darn good. 

Here's the thing.

I don't remember much about my grade school years, back then they were grades K through 6.  My school did not have a Kindergarten.  And, as I've mentioned before, I hated school, only went because (as my mother would say) "It's the law, you are entitled to an education and you are going to school."  So, of course, I went.

I recall a bit more about Junior High School, back then grades 7 and 8, and we were all mushed together with the High Schoolers', grades 9 through 12.  In Junior High I mostly kept my head down and tried to stay as far away from the hustle and bustle of activities as I could.  I didn't join any clubs or other extra curricular activities and, didn't even have my first 'best friend' until I was a Sophomore.

Then came High School.  My class was small, I thought there were about 65 of us, but this morning I pulled out 'The Portal', our school's Yearbook, (I think they are called Annuals now) and found there were actually 72.  Some of us were farmers, some of us were miners, some of us were steel workers, all of us were part of America's  melting pot.  Some of us belonged to the Honor Society, most of us were average, and a small minority struggled with the curriculum.  I struggled, not because I wore the 'dunces cap' but because I hated school.

I was horrible at sports...was always picked last for a team, even in gym class, so steered away from volleyball, mush ball, etc, etc.  However...get comes this morning's revelation...I did belong to The Bowling Club (1), Intramural Sports (2-3) I honestly don't remember that, Drama Club (3-4), National Thespian Society (4), Echo our school newspaper (3), and The Portal (3-4).  There was also a short stint with the Chess Club, of which I was the only girl...but we had to disband because we could not get enough members.

Was I a nerd or what???????  At the time I had not a clue.

And, those proms...oh, do I really have to talk about them...I only went to the Junior one because I had to...I was in charge of the buffet...and, even more embarrassing I had to ask someone to take me...can you believe that???? 

Was I a geek or what?????  At the time I had not a clue.

As I senior, I didn't even attempt to attend the prom, by then I didn't want to.  But, on the other hand no one had invited me to go either.

Was I a Dork or what?????  At the time I had not a clue.

Finally, mercifully, my education came to a close.

The rest of my life simply unfolded...and as I mentioned above it's been pretty darn good.  The fact I had hidden 'nerdness' inside me remained dormant until this morning when I got to thinking about proms, and my past caught up with me.  My horrible Junior year prom experience flew out of that bolt of lightening.   Not being asked to my Senior one, fell like a concrete block, smack dab on top of my head.  Then came that ton of bricks as my youngest daughter's voice whispered in my ear.  "You're a Nerd, Mom, you're a Nerd."

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle...she's right.  Have been all along...I finally feel comfortable in my own skin, kind of like a professor's sweater that has leather patches on the elbows, or that pair of slippers where the backs are leaning over and floppy on your feet.

So,Nerds...or whatever Geeky, Dorky, Techie, Egghead, Book-wormy  label applies today...unite in your uniqueness...wear that label proudly.

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