Monday, June 10, 2013


….I’m going to share a secret.

My brother-in-law, who is a very bright, inquisitive fellow is always sharing wonderful websites with me.  I cannot tell you how much I have learned from this man.  I frequently write back and tell him how much I appreciate his efforts.  Actually, he is the one who originally turned me on to the Decorah Eagle Camera, that for two years allowed me to watch baby eagles, born bald and blind, become strong fledglings, and finally healthy, independent creatures.

Over the years my brother-in-law has put me in touch with some pretty terrific, mind-blowing sites.  I’ve put three of my favorites into my ‘favorites’ list and I try to check  out the pictures posted new  on these sites everyday.

I know, I know, the last thing you need is a new ‘chore’.  Well, let me tell you.  On those days, when I’m the most tired, the most weary, most end of my rope, the pictures on these websites pull me back from the brink.

Seriously, simply by looking at the pictures, my spirits are lifted, my faith is renewed, and my hope for the future is restored..  Oh, and if you have doubts about a creator, or the Big Bang Theory...well the pictures I think, will speak for themselves.

So, here’s my little gift to you.

The first site is: ”Astronomy Picture of the Day”

The second site is: “Earth Science Picture of the Day”

The third site is: “Earth Observatory Image of the Day" 

I guarantee, at least one of these sites will knock your socks off every day.  Plus, if you do happen to have a few minutes to spare some days, reading the few short, crisp paragraphs that accompany the pictures will surely set you brain synapses sparking.

In these extraordinary times, we all could use an uplifting moment every day.  I hope you find a favorite of your own among these three sites, and maybe even post one in your favorites list.



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