Sunday, June 23, 2013

I'll take the camel.

Oh, oh, do you remember last week I wrote about the delightful, clever, entertaining commercial about the camel that works for an insurance company, and is so happy it is ‘hump day’?  Remember?
Today I’m going to report on another insurance company commercial I find to be unpleasant, disgusting and totally distasteful.  I’m sure you’ve probably seen it, and maybe you even like it.  If so, I’m sorry, and I suggest you stop reading here.
This commercial shows a dad and his son riding down the road…suddenly, people are flying through the air and landing on their vehicle, mouths wide open.  They get stuck to the windows and windshield like a bunch of lamprey eels. 
The son is screaming, the dad appears to be in shock. 
A well-dressed gentleman appears at the driver’s side window, and taps on it. He has a hand held devise in his hand.
The dad rolls down his window and the insurance man informs him that the people stuck to his automobile are ‘rate suckers’, and all he has to do is install the insurance company’s devise to the dashboard of his car, and the ‘rate sucker’s will go away.
Dad does this, and all the people that had been stuck to his car begin to slide off the vehicle.  Lucky dad.
Fade to black.
Seriously, did you honestly enjoy the close-ups of all those open mouths?  They grossed me out!
If I have a choice between a talking camel enjoying ‘hump day’, or ‘rate suckers’  I will choose a talking camel every day of the week.


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