Friday, November 8, 2013


Let me start by saying, and as Frankie frequently reminds me, I should not always believe everything will end up for the good, the guy in the white hat just might not ride up in his shiny, red Ferrari and save the day.

Still, my proverbial glass is always half full every day, and I try to make sure it is half full at bedtime, so when I open my eyes in the morning I can see it's going to be a good day no matter what.  It's getting harder and harder to do that, and some mornings I find myself squinting when I look at the glass to make sure it is even still there.

The latest thing to shake my belief that good will always win is the news.  For instance, this morning, there was the President of my country (a very smug look on his face) saying he had made a 'mistake' when he said his health plan would not affect those of us who had good plans, and that we could stay with our current providers, I could tell he did not believe that and never did.  So, apparently those folks who have had their insurance cancelled, were duped, along with the rest of us, and our government has no plans whatsoever to rectify their 'mistake'.  

I personally had no fear of cancellation.  I was confident my provider had been truthful, and my coverage would remain the same.  I was covered, nothing would change.  I have even received my 'book of coverage' for next year.  Yeah, there were a couple of changes regarding certain co-pays, but they were only a couple of bucks here and there, which is to be expected, and has happened just about every year, so I was not concerned.

When I heard the president this morning apologizing to the folks who had lost coverage, I listened quite carefully to hear how he was going to correct his error.  However, not once did he say he would get the people their original coverage back... apparently he and his plan have no intention even trying, they are at the mercy of Obamacare.

Lions, tigers and bears, oh my Medical Plan next...have they lied to me, has yours???

Eventually I slapped myself silly, and 'woke up' to a glass only a quarter full.  I had been duped.  Damn...I'm sooo...gullible...(that's really too nice a word)...I'm stupid, stupid, stupid.

Although I was eventually fortunate enough to be able to stop working and become Susy Homemaker, I was in the work force for many years, long enough to go through some "Mergers"...yes, we all know THAT word. And, we're told not to worry, nothing is going to change, everything is going to stay the same, no jobs will be lost, blah, blah,   blah,   blah, blah.

We're believers, right?  At least we want to be.  And then, the powers that be sign the papers, and before the ink has dried, your company's name is gone, your building is closed, your job is secure....IF you are willing to move where ever the heck it is your new company wants you to go.  Nothing has changed?  Everything has changed, most particular your life and your security.

This morning I came to realize, that is exactly what the government and insurance industry is doing...(there is no other word for it) "Merging".  And even though our coverage companies scream and dance and bound about stating nothing will change, it will, nothing will be the same...ever...because, neither of them (government or insurance providers) care (give a crap) what they are doing to Average Joe and his coverage.  No, not a bit.  So, even though I've been reassured by my provider, that nothing is going to change, and everything is okay for the next 12 months I suddenly don't believe them.  I've come to think that none of us should believe anything the insurance companies and government tell us with regard to our coverages, and where we should sign up for coverage that will be unique for us, because, from here on out there is not going to be any...none...whatsoever.  We are at the mercy of the 'Mergees', they will decide for us.

And, so goes the America I so loved, trusted and held in high esteem.  She's circling round the toilet.  Blub, glub, blug, glub.


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