Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wooo, hooo,hello sunshine... the heck are ya?  So nice to see ya!

It is amazing what a bright, crystal, blue sky, and crisp, breath catching air can do for a person.  I mean, I've been moving at the speed of light...hustle, bustle...not enough hours in the day.  Zip, zip, zippity, do, da!

I don't know where the time goes.  Yesterday I got up, dusted and vacuumed in preparation for Bible study, then went to work for several hours, eventually getting myself "spit" polished as well.  Before I knew it study was over, and we all went to Zeppo's for happy hour in Lake Oswego.  It was a lovely time. 

When I got home I finished eating my happy hour meal, and sat down to spend some quality time with Zorro.  Of course, with a warm house, and an afghan and dog to snuggle with, sleep came suddenly, and it was lengthy.

By the time I awoke, I had not desire to work, so I watched TV and then toddled off to bed.  It was not until four o'clock this morning it occurred to me I didn't write a blog yesterday.  Well, bummer.

Since I was awake at four this morning (Zorro was restless all night) and I had to get up to put him out for a few minutes I decided to turn on the heat early.  I guess the warmth must have sent us into a stupor, because I didn't open my eyes again until after eight. 

So far today, I've worked all morning, and just came back from my lunch break.  I'm hoping to work most of the afternoon finishing up Christmas merchandise.  It is so wonderful looking out at a beautiful sky and a gentle breeze doing its job blowing the few remaining leaves off the trees.

However, it has also occurred to me another day is slipping by without writing blog entry.  What the heck?  The dang sun has me in come kind of a trance.  I LIKE IT, no, I LOVE IT!  The world is happy, the birds are happy, the sun is happy, I'm happy....I'm telling you, as the little boy from the Kaiser Permanente commercial says..."Things are looking up,!"  I can attest to you, they definitely are. 

Consider: I've made a few sales, this miserable month is almost over, as is the year, and I've a whole year yet to go to make my Zazzle store successful. 

Hey, is my enthusiasm is rubbing off on you?  I hope so, I just feel I've just gotta spread the joy.  So, put a smile on your face and a melody in your heart, the best is yet to come.

Wooo, hooo, hello the heck are ya?  So good to see ya.

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