Saturday, February 9, 2013

Dang it!

I've come to the conclusion I cannot be trusted.  I feel awful.

When was it a week or so ago I told you I was burning my candle at both ends, and how I had to drag myself on my hands and knees to bed?  I said I was going to try to have better hours, only light one end of the candle, and get to bed at a decent hour.  Remember all that???  Sure you do.

Well...of course....I lied.

I didn't have the courage to tell you I fell back into my old habit a day or two later.

True, I was in bed by One or One-thirty at the latest each night, which was pretty good by my standards and, to my credit I was blowing my candle out every single night.  Plus, I did not lie in bed thinking for an extra hour, but fell asleep right away and got at least an extra hour of zzzzz's, so in my mind, I was doing better...right?

However, by Wednesday of this week I fell off the wagon, bedtime extended to Two-fifteen, Two-forty-five, tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock.

And then (oh dear, I'm so ashamed to write this) last night...

about Eleven, I enter the office, sit, pull myself up to the keyboard, and tell myself I will work for an hour.

I was trying to figure out how to take my images in Publisher and turn them into pictures, so I could transfer them to my web-page on Zazzle.  My first attempt went marvelously, snap, the picture was there.  My second attempt took a bit longer, because I had to turn it from an image into a picture that Zazzle would accept.  Tricky business that!  But, I managed.  I was encouraged, I was proud of myself.

Piece of cake...I can do this, whoo, hooo.  Y'all know that old saying "Pride goeth before a fall"?  Oh yeah, tumble down the steps, rumble down the hall, out the front door and stumble into the street.

I picked myself up and brushed myself off and trudged back to the office.  This endeavor was not going to stop sir-ee, buddy.  I'd figure this out if it was the last thing I ever did.

And it almost was...suddenly I looked up and it was almost the A of M.  I had still not figured out what I was doing wrong.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Poor Zorro had jumped into my lap around Three, shivering badly, I knew he wanted to go to bed but I settled him down on my lap and eventually he stopped shaking.  While I was beginning to start, the heat had been turned off hours ago.  Just one more shiver attempt shiver I kept telling shiver myself. candle...was just about to frizzle out.  Dang it...I promised I was not going to let that happen.
So with a quick blow I put it out, and wearily plodded off to bed.

Zorro out, Zorro in.
Rice socks warmed.
Jammies on.
Lights out.

It's morning.

Another day has begun, here I sit...having to accept I'm like a leopard who cannot change its spots no matter how much it would like.  I'm just glad I didn't 'pinky-swear' I would not fall into my old habits, cause that would have meant you couldn't trust me, and that would be well, just...awful.

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